Chapter Three: One Marvelous Escape

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Ant Man's theme is the closest thing I could find to "sneaky Marvel music". Plus it's just really cool. Enjoy!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Uhhhhhhhg. Why is everything sore? Did I have another work out session that I passed out in?


Anyway, I had an amazing dream last night. I was being tortured by the Black Order! Wait, I guess it wasn't that amazing then. But it felt so real!


And when Ebony came out, I gave him a piece of my mind! It served him right! That Squidward makes the real Squidward...something...where was I going with this?


And who is making all that noise! Can't they tell I'm trying to go back to sleep?! The nerve of some people! You know what? I'm going to open my eyes and yell at them to go away!

"Can't you keep it down?! I'm trying to-" I cut myself off when I open my eyes and see that I'm still in a cell. That wasn't a dream! I get up and touch the clear wall of the cell in front of me. It ripples like a liquid, but when I push on it, it doesn't budge. "Cool!"

Right after I said that, two people emerge from the shadows on the other side of the cell wall. One of them is the most annoying Black Order member.

"Not cool!" I cross my arms and stare up at Ebony's face. "I was trying to sleep, you jerk. Oh hello, Cull!"

I smile and wave at Cull who surprisingly waves back. Ebony rolls his eyes and scans his hand on a pad on the wall. The scanner recognizes him and the clear wall of my cell vanishes. I start walking away, but Cull throws me over his shoulder again.

"This is getting a bit old, isn't it?" No one responds so I sigh and dangle there. I try to remember the turns and number of steps Cull makes to each turn. He is walking, and every one step he makes would be two for me. However, it didn't take that long to get to our destination. We enter a big room and Cull lifts me up gently, putting me down on my feet. He pats my head and walks to the edge of the room. I blush a bit, thinking that he's never been one to show affection.

Before I could think on it more, Ebony raises his hand and I'm lifted off the floor. I raise in the air, in the same position Dr. Strange lays in when he's trapped in Ebony's ship. I strain my muscles and try to break free, but it seems that I can only move my head.

Ebony chuckles. The jerk seems to be enjoying my struggle! "What do you want!?"

"Simply answers, my dear." Ebony smirks and I cringe. That look does not suit him at all. And that voice... ugh it's so creepy!

"If you're still going on about the Infinity Stones thing, then you can forget it. I don't even know if I know the correct locations! I mean, seriously, you're relying on a(n) (y/a) year old girl to give you information that has a 50 percent chance of being wrong. Great plan your master, Thanos, has there, Ebony!" I hear a shuffle of rocks to my right and peer over to see Cull laughing.

I turn back to Ebony to see he's not amused at all. "You are quite a stubborn human, but your blabbering can only get you so far." Ebony raises his hand and clenches it into a fist. A thick, black chord slithers down from the ceiling and wraps itself around me. My breath hitches for a second, expecting the chord to do something.

"I recall," Ebony's voice catches my attention and I look at him again, "you said the first Stone we need is the Power Stone. Unless your fleshy body is immune to shocks of electricity five times more powerful than lightning, I suggest you reveal the location."

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