Chapter Four: Warning an Ally

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Ok um...this one?" I push another button on the control console, which made the pod do a somersault and keep going on its path. "Ugh I'm gonna puke."

My eyes stop rolling and settle on the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Earth. People show pictures on how the Earth looks like on the outside, but that's nothing compared to the beauty that's spinning in front of me. The misty white of the atmosphere surrounds the globe and I can just make out the different continents. Surrounding the void around the planet is billions of stars of all different sizes and brightness.

"Home," I say just before the pod shakes. A red light flashes above me that reads 'ENTERING ATMOSPHERE'. I gasp and buckle myself into the seat of the pod.

The pod gains speed as I get closer to the ground. It gets shakier as well. I don't think this pod was meant for the complexity of Earth's atmosphere! It looks like I'm about to hit the ocean, but the pod swerves and I see land form below me.

"AHHHHH!" Something falls off the ceiling and I duck just in time to dodge it. Fire forms around the shell of my ride and I pray that this pod has an airbag. Tall buildings and connecting roads form below me and I hold my breath, bracing for impact.

I make an 'X' with my arms out of habit and squeeze my eyes shut. "Wakanda forever!"

My butt leaves my seat for a good two seconds as I crash into the ground. I open my eyes but keep my arms tightly crossed and see I'm rolling very fast in some grassy area. A blur out my window seems to be getting closer, and I scream when my pod crashes into it, knocking the object over.

My pod stops after the crash and I get out with much difficulty. My eyes adjust and I see the thing I ran into was a tree. The poor plant is completely detached from the ground now that I ran into it.

My breath quickens and I look around. I seem to be in Central Park, which is in New York. I let my breathing settle down for a second before I brush my (h/l), (h/c) hair out of my face.

So, if I'm in New York, then I'm in the hot spot for where most heroes live. Alright, let's think then. Who do I know that lives in New York at the beginning of Infinity War, wouldn't think I'm crazy, is currently a hero actively trying to protect the Earth, and who could help me?


I can't believe I'm doing this. I am standing in front of the most magical door of the most magical building in the entire freaking world! This might not be a good idea, honestly. What am I going to do? Walk in there and say something like, "Hey your world is about to be taken over by a Mad Titan who has a serious problem with overpopulation, and wants to kill half of everything living! Have a good day!" No, that's stupid.

I don't even look presentable enough for this! My hair is messed up from the fall and I can't seem to be able to tame it, my clothes are all dirty from being held hostage, I probably smell like garbage, and as a bonus my hands are all red from the stupid torture session with Ugly Face! I didn't even notice how bad my hands were until now.

On the other hand, it took me forever to find this building. I couldn't remember what street it was on, so I had to look for landmarks. I actually passed it a couple of times because of all the enhancements on it. But I finally recognized the symbol on the big, round window.

And now, here I am. Standing in front of the door that leads to the location of one of my biggest idols. Yeah, no pressure.

My calloused hands become sweaty and my thumbs rub circles on my red, irritated palms trying to calm myself. He's just another human being. Just explain to him what's going on! I think to myself.

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