Chapter Twelve: Reality Can Not Change the Soul

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I'm not going to do a question of the chapter thing because I'm too lazy. But anyway, enjoy the chapter!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"RRRRAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG!" Everyone turns toward the loud noise. Thanos can be seen jumping really high into the air. He starts to land and everyone scrambles away.

Thanos lands where the heroes were gathered. Doctor Strange makes a portal to get closer to everyone. "New plan! We need to help (Y/n) absorb the powers of the other two Infinity Stones! Just help her get close enough!"

Drax and Star Lord start distracting Thanos with a variety of attacks. Thanos is about to attack them back, but Doctor Strange orders the Cloak of Levitation to wrap around the Gauntlet. Before Thanos can attempt to rip off the Cloak, Spider-Man swings past him and shoots webs on his eyes.

Just when things seem to be going well, Thanos rips the Cloak off his Gauntlet and the webs off his face. He shoots purple flames at Drax and Star Lord, and they have to scramble away to avoid getting hit.

"I'll take you up to him!" I gasp as metal arms wrap around me and pick me up. Iron Man flies me close to Thanos.

Right when we get close enough, I yell to Tony, "Drop me here!"

"Are you sure, kid?" I can feel Iron Man's metal arms grip me slightly tighter.

"Absolutely! Just catch me when I touch the next Stone!" Thank goodness Tony agrees, seeing as our time is running out to drop me.

Tony drops me right next to Thanos. The Mad Titan sees it coming and gets ready to attack me. I take him by surprise and make a portal for me to land through using the power of the Space Stone. The other end of the portal opens on the other side of Thanos, and I take the opportunity to slam my hand on the Reality Stone.

Just like the other three times, a powerful blast blows me backward. I can spot Tony trying to catch me, but I'm flying backward too fast. I start to panic, but someone else catches me.

"You're alright, kid! I got you!" I recognize that voice anywhere! Star Lord uses his rocket boots to slow down our fall, and we land on our feet. "You alright?"

"Yeah, how are the others doing?" I ask and Quill puts his helmet down.

"What are you talking about?" Quill looks at me with almost a starry gaze. "We won! Thanos has been defeated and we got the Gauntlet! We are figuring out a way to get Gamora back as we speak."

Star Lord points over to where the others are gathered. I stare at the group of heroes, confused at what just happened. "Wha-"

Quill cuts me off and starts dragging me to where the others are. "Come on! They've been waiting for you to wake up! You were knocked out by Thanos after you finished him off."

Wait, what? I defeated Thanos? This doesn't make any sense at all. Quill and I make it over to the team and they stop inspecting the Gauntlet. Everyone turns toward me and cheers, saying things like, "You did it! I'm so proud! You're our hero!"

Doctor Strange comes up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Well done, (Y/n). You'll make a great Master of the Mystic Arts someday."

Tony's voice breaks through the chaos. "I'll figure out a way to get you home, but for now I say that we all celebrate! (Y/n) can get us back to Wakanda and we can tell everyone that we won!"

Peter Parker runs up and hugs me, but I'm slowly putting together the pieces. I shove Peter off me and walk up to Tony. "How did you know that the others are in Wakanda?"

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