Chapter Seventeen: Oh, Snap

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Third Person P.O.V. (Wakanda)

Thanos breathes the fresh air of Wakanda, smiling at the thought of finally having all six of the Infinity Stones. He'll find though, that he just stepped onto unfriendly soil.

The Hulkbuster jumps up high and attempts to punch Thanos in the face. The Mad Titan simply uses the powers of the Space Stone to make the Hulkbuster intangible, sending him into the solid rock wall next to the stream of water.

Vision grabs his love's wrist and makes her look at him. "Wanda, its time-"

"No!" Wanda prepares to fight Thanos with all of her willpower, but Vision yanks her down to his height.

"Wanda, listen to me. They can't stop him, but we can." Wanda's lip quivers as she tries not to cry at his words.

"I can't..." Wanda doesn't want to look in his glassy eyes, but it's the only place that she finds comfort.

"You must." Vision slowly let's go of her wrist, not breaking eye contact with her once. "You could never hurt me. I just feel you."

Without another word, Wanda conjures up her scarlet magic and shoots it onto the Mind Stone. It hurts every muscle in her body. The only thing she can think of is what she's doing, and how its not fair. She'd give anything to just stop and turn around to face the Titan head-on.

Vision feels his emotions escalate as he looks at Wanda's expression. She looks completely heartbroken. He wants to stand up and hold her close, telling her everything is alright. All he can do though, is encourage her. It's for the greater good after all, it's for the sake of the universe.

Wanda uses both hands now, sensing that Thanos is getting closer. The Mad Titan disposes of each Avenger like swatting away flies. Every one of them tries everything they got. Every weapon is thrown, every fighting style is used, and yet every soldier falls. Captain America gets back up, refusing to get beaten so easily. He uses his shields to punch Thanos in the knee, the chest, and on the side of his face. Thanos tries to squash him to the ground with his Gauntlet, but Cap catches it. Thanos is surprised that a mere human suddenly has the might to stand up to him like this. Thanos shakes off the feeling and sucker-punches Captain America, knocking him out.

Wanda looks behind her at the sound of Steve falling, and finds all of her friends have been beaten. She uses her left hand to hold back Thanos, while the other continues to destroy her love. Vision mutters encouragement and reassurances to Wanda, telling her it's alright and that he loves her. Thanos struggles to walk forward, and finally reaches Wanda when-


The Mind Stone shatters along with the robot who wielded it.

Everyone who is still conscious hears the explosion. (Y/n) and Hazel look at each other and start sprinting back to the forest. How could they forget? They were all caught up in the fight, and now...

No, they can still make it. The forest is so far away, but they can make it. They must, because the universe depends on it. Their heroes depend on it. Humanity depends on it.

Wanda falls to the ground in shaky sobs. She recalls the day that Vision saved her from the falling city. The day she lost someone else special to her. It hurts just as much as when Pietro died. Vision was the one who got her out of that dark abyss, and now he's gone.

Thanos looks at her in complete shock, thinking it was not possible that an Infinity Stone could be destroyed. He walks up to her and strokes her long hair. "I understand, my child, better than anyone."

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