Chapter Ten: The Pack of Answers

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I bought the movie on blue ray today (August 14th, 2018) and I'm SO EXCITED! I'm shaking so badly, so I'm sorry for the typos!


Hazel's P.O.V.

Hazel sits in the back of the pod braiding and rebraiding her hair. She does this for a good half hour, just thinking. This is what usually happens when Hazel is nervous because she's not one to normally express her feelings clearly. You'd think that getting kidnapped by the most evil clan in the universe would make her vulnerable to such nervousness, but that's not so. No, what makes her feel this way is the waiting.

What's even worse than the waiting is the silence. It didn't seem this awkward in the movie, but actually being here makes the tension go through the roof. Hazel thought that Thor and the two Guardians clicked really well, but she didn't have to sit through a whole two hours of riding in the pod alone with the group.

It wasn't until Rocket couldn't contain his excitement anymore that the awkwardness was broken. "If you know where you're going, then we are heading in the right direction."

Rocket pushes a couple more buttons on the screen before he turns toward Thor. The god of thunder readjusts his eyepatch and turns toward Rocket. "Don't worry, Rabbit. I know exactly where we are."

Thor goes to the back of the transporting vehicle, passing Hazel and grabbing her attention. Rocket must have noticed Thor adjust his eyepatch because he asks, "So, dead sister, huh?"

Hazel is reminded of the events of Thor Ragnarok. The first appearance of Thor's sister, Hela, was truly the end of Asgard. "And your father?" Hazel asks, wanting to confirm her suspicion of Odin's death.

Thor nods and Rocket continues. "But still have a mother?"

Thor shakes his head yet again. "Stabbed by a Dark Elf."

"A-and..." Hazel doesn't want to ask about one of her favorite characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but she needs to know. "Loki?"

Shocked, Thor turns to Hazel and they lock eyes. He didn't tell them Loki's name, but this mystery girl already knows. Maybe there's more to her than meets the eye. "Thanos killed him. Heimdall as well."

So it's true. Everything has happened in the correct order so far. Thanos destroyed Xandar, attacked the Asgardians, gained the Power and Space Stones, and has probably sent his Black Order to Earth by now.

"All the chess pieces are almost in place..." Hazel murmurs to herself, but Thor and Rocket hear it. They both don't show it, but they internally shiver at her comment.

"Are you sure you want to tackle this guy?" Rocket heads to the back of the ship as well and messes with some other controls. Thor looks up confused, so Rocket explains, "It's just that you've lost so much."

Thor nods, looking at the floor. "Well, my brother has been dead before. I think I'm numb to it now." Hazel nods knowingly and Thor continues. "Thanos killed half of my people, and I will make him pay. Plus, he's never fought me."

"Uh, yes, he has." Rocket points out and Hazel remembers the beat-down Thor received in the beginning of the movie.

"He's never fought me twice." Thor manages a smile, which Hazel sees is taking a lot out of him. "And I'm getting a new hammer, don't forget!"

"Well, it better be some hammer." Rocket's voice trails away.

Hazel can't fathom what Thor must be feeling right now. He didn't really have time to mourn over his lost loved ones, and here he is. Arguably one of the strongest Avengers is now at his weakest, his most vulnerable, and that makes Hazel scared.

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