Chapter Thirteen: There Is No Other Way

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College has started yay! Haha help me I'm dying inside. Anyway, this chapter made me sad, but I'm not going to spoil so just read.

Question: Who's your favorite Avenger? Yes, they can be a Guardian. Mine, if it wasn't obvious enough, is Doctor Stephen Strange! I love him so much!

Anyway, enough stalling. Sorry for typos! Enjoyyyyy!


"Back to the original plan. We need to get the Infinity Gauntlet off of Thanos!" I say to Iron Man who landed right next to me due to a blow from Thanos.

Doctor Strange spots me from across the battlefield and uses his Sling Ring to appear next to me. "Yes, that's what we discussed while you were in the Soul World. We could use your help, (Y/n)."

"Wait, how did you know I was in the Soul World?" I grab Stephen's sleeve as he starts to turn away to get his attention.

"You disappeared entirely, so I just figured that's where you went. You did absorb the Soul Stone's powers after all." Stephen puts a hand on my back and guides me forward. "But now we really do need your help. Thanos has everyone scrambling away and we can't get close. Could you distract him or us?"

A smile slowly forms on my face and I nod. Stephen squeezes my shoulder before heading back into the battle.

I observe the fight, trying to learn a few of the Avengers' fighting patterns so I can avoid hitting them. Finally, Spider-Man kicks Thanos in the face and lands a safe distance away. I take this as an opening to attack.

Thinking of how much I want to win this fight, I feel fire spreading through my body. I smirk and hold my hands out toward Thanos. A huge wave of purple flames exit the palms of my hands and rush toward the Mad Titan. Thanos gets hit in his right arm and turns his focus on me.

Thanos launches his own set of purple flames at me, but I create a portal on the floor and jump through. While in the portal, I change reality to make me look like I pop out of the ground on the left side of Thanos, but I actually appear on the right. Thanos punches the fake me with the Gauntlet and she falls over. I quickly change reality back to its original state, making Thanos confused. He turns around and I make a purple flame blade, slashing him across the face.

The Mad Titan yells in pain and clutches his wound with his right hand. I smile in victory, and I'm about to slash my blade again, but Thanos acts quick. He turns around unexpectedly and back-hands me with the Gauntlet.

The blow hits me in the chest, making me fly backward. My head starts to throb and I try to move my legs, but all the wind was knocked out of me. He just swatted me away like an insect.

Still gasping for air, I manage to make out someone yelling my name. It sounds younger, so it must be Peter Parker. As I suspected, Spider-Man lands next to me and leans over me.

"(Y/n), are you alright?!" Spider-Man leans my head up, helping me breathe better. "You're going to be fine. You did great! Look!"

Peter points toward the fight. I look where he's pointing and see Stephen Strange has conjured a flaming orange magic sword, and is now battling Thanos. He seems to be going all-out, not holding anything back. I catch a glimpse of his face and think to myself, why does he look so angry?

I manage to stand up just as Drax knocks Thanos down on his knees. Thanos grabs Stephen's blade at the end and chucks it away, throwing the Sorcerer Supreme off balance. The Cloak of Levitation pulls Stephen up and then smacks Thanos across the face, making me laugh.

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