Chapter 1

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"Ron, would you come down" Mrs. Weasley shouted from levels below.

"What does she want?" Harry asked.

The three were sitting in Ron's room, reveling in the first time they had acquired alone since arriving at the burrow the previous day.

"I don't know, but we better go before she curses the three of us." Ron said, getting up.

"Ronald Weasley!" Mrs. Weasley called in a more stern voice.

Harry and Hermione exchanged a look, then jumped up to follow Ron.

"Ah, there you three are." Mrs. Weasley said, beaming, and holding a suitcase in her hand. "Look who has arrived."

They all stared wide eyed at their fellow sixth year standing in the doorway.

"Bloody hell, what is he doing here?" Ron blubbered.

"It's ok Weasley, I won't be any trouble." He winked at Hermione, causing her to inhale a sharp breath. He then turned to Mrs. Weasley. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here for the remainder of the holidays."

"Oh stop it, of course." Mrs. Weasley said, blushing. "Come on, the lot of you, dinner is almost ready." She said, ushering their new guest into the dining room.

"Well this should be interesting." Harry commented under his breath. Hermione raised her eyebrows in agreance, and Ron was holding a angered expression as he stomped away.

Everyone was at the table, and dinner had begun. Hermione could barely eat a thing as Cormac kept ogling from the spot directly opposite her. Though he seemed entertained as Fred and George talked his ear off about Quidditch. Ginny was on the other side of Cormac, and for some reason remained very quiet, much to the notice of Harry.

As if the holidays weren't already doomed enough, the most high pitched and shrilly voice ran through the burrow, much to the surprise of everyone. "Won Won!"

Just then a mass of curly brown hair had flowed through the dining room, and hurtled towards the youngest male Weasley. "Won, Won. I've missed you so much."

"Lavender!? What are you doing here?" Ron asked, no longer angry, but trying to pry the girl off of him.

Hermione stared at the pair in disgust. "You've got to be kidding me." She exhaled in a low tone. The two were already bad enough to tolerate at Hogwarts, let alone right in front of her.

"We are kidding you Granger." Said George to Hermione who had heard what she said.

"I think it's rather amusing." Fred chimed, and she rolled her eyes at the twins.

"Well-" Lavender said, breathing rather heavily as though she was hyperventilating, and everyone tuned back into the main dialogue at the table. "Cormac had invited me, and seeing as I thought you would miss me, here I am."

"Mum, aren't you going to set another plate?" Fred asked, noticing her disgruntled look.

"Um, yes, yes. I'll get you a place to sit dear." Mrs. Weasley said, her hospitality stretched.

Charlie Weasley whom hadn't been home in quite a decent amount of time, was utterly complexed at the display. "Who is she?" He asked his older and closest brother Bill.

"Lavender Brown." Bill answered. "Girlfriend of Ron, but nobody likes her."

"Ah I see." He said, chuckling.

Mr. Weasley had noticed his two eldest sons chatter and gave them a glare. "Boys, not now."

Mrs. Weasley had came back into the room, setting a chair in between Harry and Charlie, seeming it a spot well away from Ron. "Lavender, you can sit here dear."

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