Chapter 40

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The Battle was raging. Spells and curses were everywhere.  Death seemed closer than ever before possible.  She would fight by their sides until the very end.

She couldn't think about him. She had seen his body fall. She had seen the light fade out. He was a Weasley, she had loved him, and he was dead. 

Bill cried over his body in a state of sadness one could not imagine. Tears no doubt should have fled her own cheeks. Yet Hermione was numb.

Harry was gone, in a forest. Ron and her stayed close. He held her hand when they were not fighting. It was her only comfort in the sea of war.

Three years Later:

She stood on the cliff side. The waves crashed, the same volume of the breathes of the Dragons asleep in the sanctuary. She returned to the small cottage, opening the door and looking upon the bed. The room smelled just as his hide jackets had.

There was an owl at the window, which caught her attention. She took the letter from it's beak, opening the parchment to scan it curiously while the owl watched her.

Will you join us for Victoire's first birthday? We are having a small celebration at the Burrow.

A small laugh escaped her lips, imagining the girl to already be one. There was no doubt she would be attending. In fact, it would be quite the event to reconnect with the family. She let out a sigh. Now there were a few butterflies in her stomach. Somehow the prospect of the gathering was exciting.

She packed a small bag, in case she was asked to stay over. She looked at the cottage with a look of for lone, walked further away from the structure, and then apparated on the spot.

"You've made it." Harry greeted in a low tone, pulling Hermione into an embrace. She kissed his cheek, before pulling Ron into a hug as well.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

They entered the house, finding the bustle of Ms. Weasley cooking alongside Fleur. Hermione ducked, avoiding a flying bowl of cake batter. "Oh, Dear. It is so nice to see you." Ms. Weasley called with jubilee. She seemed to recover from the death of her kin over the few years, though Hermione's heart ached for the mother.

"We'll be eating in the garden shortly."

Hermione heard the giggles of a child, and with interest walked outside. She spotted the young girl with blonde hair, flying around on a toy broom as he watched over her. She smiled, watching the scene that only filled her with happiness. He scooped up the girl in his arms, then tossed her in the air.

"You two look well together." Hermione commented, making her presence known.

He smiled, a grin breaking across his features. "Would you like to hold her?" He asked, and the child was passed into her own grasp. "I'm glad you could make it."

"I received the invitation just as I was back from the cliffside."

"We would have came to get you if you hadn't."

Hermione glanced to her feet nervously, then up to his eyes. "Do you think your mother and the rest could manage the announcement? I've been apprehensive to tell them you know."

There was a flicker of intrigue in his expression, as though he had been waiting for this moment. "Perhaps." He responded simply.

"It's the second anniversary of the battle."

"As that why you look so glum?" He asked.

"You've noticed?" Hemione asked, wondering how some lingering sadness could still be seen under the happy nature she was trying desperately to conduct.

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