Chapter 9

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The definition of snogging; the British way to say "kissing".

There was a lot of snogging happening at the burrow this holiday, but Hermione, was not one of the participants.  Did she want to kiss Charlie.  Of course she did.  It just unfortunately hadn't happened yet.

"Stop it!" She scorned looking over the edge of her book.

"Stop What?" He asked innocently. She rolled her eyes, and focused them back onto her literature.

It was early in the morning, the sun was just beginning to filter through the burrow's windows. Hermione had decided upon doing a little studying for the next term. The problem, was Charlie Weasley was up as well, sitting on the sofa opposite her.

She tried desperately to focus, but his gaze on her was impossible to ignore. 

"I like your socks."  She heard, and looked back up, meeting his eyes. 

"I'm sorry what?" She asked, wondering if she heard him correctly. 

"Your socks, I like them."  He said. 

She arched an eyebrow at him, then shook her head smiling.  Was he really flirting with her by complimenting her socks? 

She looked at her feet, having forgotten what socks she had put on.  They were fuzzy with a bunch of snitches on them.  "I got them from Harry."  She said simply, before looking back to her book. 

The book was no longer there to read, it was to avoid Charlie's gaze, and to try and hide her flushed cheeks. 

She heard footsteps, and Harry emerged at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Hey Harry?"  Charlie called, and Hermione wondered why. 

"I like the socks you got for Hermione."  He said, and Harry came over to the two.

'Oh Merlin!' Hermione thought, trying to sink lower into the armchair.  This was so embarrassing. 

"Er-thanks."  Harry said, with confusion.

"Where did you get them?" Charlie asked. 

She sunk lower. 

"Hey Ron!"  Harry shouted, and Ron cane trudging into the room as well. 

"What's going on?"  He asked, as though he was still half asleep, which he was. 

"Do you remember where I got Hermione's socks from?"  Harry asked Ron. 

"Er, you'd have to ask Ginny."  He then moved to plop on the sofa next to Charlie. 

"Right, I'll go ask her now." Harry said darting up the stairs again. 

"I want to die." Hermione whispered to herself. 

"What'd you say Hermione?" 

"Nothing."  She replied in a quiet voice, realizing she couldn't sink further. 

"Hermione, Harry got them in Diagon Alley."  Ginny informed, sitting in one of the armchairs as well. 

Next the twins walked in.  "Oh my gosh Hermione, why didn't you tell us you liked your socks, we would have gotten you more yesterday." 

"Yeah Granger, why are you so rude?"  Fred joked. 

Hermione closed her book.

"Hello children, Ive finally got off of work from the ministry."  Percy Weasley said, entering through the door, with a smug look on his face. 

"Perc would you shut up."  The twins chorused, and Hermione was happy everyone was smirking at Percy and no longer her. 

"Unlike you two, My time is greatly important, isn't that right Charlie?" Percy asked, sitting next to his older brother. 

Charlie politely agreed.  "Yes Percy." 

"Thank you, at least one of my family members respect me." 

"Oh shove it Perc, Charlie's just being nice." Ron said, setting up a game of exploding snap with Harry, Ginny, and the twins.   

The door opened again.  "Um Char?"  Bill asked. 

"What?" He asked craning his neck to look at his brother. 

"What is this?"  He asked chuckling, and Hermione's eyes widened in fear at the piece of parchment in his hand. 

"Bill Don't!" Charlie warned as he cleared his throat as though he was about to read the note aloud. 

"Why?"  Bill taunted.

"Bill!" Charlie said again more sternly.  He then gestured towards Hermione with his eyes, and Bill met her gaze. 

To her luck his smirk grew into a sympathetic smile.  He folded up the paper, and pocketed it with a wink. 

Hermione relieved, mouthed a thank you to Bill, and he nodded. 

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