Chapter 21

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It was deemed everyone would be staying at the ministry until they set the proper protective wards on the burrow. That left Hermione, in a large underground complex, that was practically absent since most workers had off for the holidays. There were rules of course. No going into different departments, offices that weren't in relation to The Weasleys, and they mainly stayed on the main floors. But Percy just loved apparating around, showing off that he could go to select places within the ministry, that others couldn't. In particular, he was very proud he could retrieve files from archives that only high staff had access. Even though Harry and the others knew most of the information was simply boring censuses, and information on cauldrons and what not; But Percy acted as though the information was priceless.

Hermione was sitting by the fountain in the main Atrium, reading a book that just happened to be in her extendable bag that she carried with her everywhere. Not that there weren't any books. Percy had offered to fetch anything she liked from the ministry's stores, but she politely declined. She tried to hold back the smirk as his lips pulled flat and he huffed away.

Harry was still talking to Lupin and Mr. Weasley about the attack, and she was pretty sure Ron was in one of the kitchens. Fred and George were definitely somewhere in the depths of the ministry.

"Mind if I sit?" Charlie asked, sitting next to her as she shifted over.

"Don't you have important investigative matters to do?" She questioned.

"Nah, they don't really need me."

There was a screeching sound, and Hermione watched curiously as the owl soared above them, around the many office windows, eventually swooping and landing just next to her. "It's to me?" She asked, not seeing a name on the envelope.

"Must be, ministry owls are very smart." Charlie said.

"Would you?" She asked, as though for him to give the owl a treat as customary, as she opened the letter, but the owl flapped it's wings and was off again, going to sit among the rafters.

She opened a hand written letter, addressed to Hermione Granger, and read it attentively.

Dear Hermione,

You are the most beautiful witch in the world.


-an admirer

"That's odd." She whispered, wondering who on Earth would write such a thing. All of a sudden, a heart appeared on the paper, growing into a bubble that lifted off the parchment, causing her to gasp in shock. What must have been thirty little hearts emerged from the note, floating in the air. As they popped she was overwhelmed with a warm feeling, and the strong scent of freshly mown grass. She recognized the scent, and it was very pleasing. "Oh my, how embarrassing." She whispered, her cheeks flushed realizing Charlie was right there.

"I don't think it's embarrassing, someone must fancy you."

"I seriously doubt that." She said modestly, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear, cringing at the card and looking towards Charlie.

She caught his eye, tilting her head. "Wait a minute."

"What?" He asked innocently.

She inhaled deeply, realizing the calming scent was still in the air. Then she put two and two together, recognizing it was his scent. She looked down at the card in her hands shyly. "You wrote this didn't you?" She asked. She now held a very wide smile on her face in result of the kind gesture.

"Perhaps." He laughed. "How did you know?"

"Well, I am the brightest witch of my time. Or it may just be the fact that it smells like you."

"You know what I smell like?" He asked, and she met his eyes.

"I guess I do." She said simply, knowing quite well his scent had grown to be irresistible. She often couldn't tell the difference between it, and amortentia.

They both looked down awkwardly. "Well, thank you it was very sweet."

"Hey? do you want to do something?"

"What?" She asked curiously, quite intrigued.

"Well you are a muggle, so I may have caught up on some muggle movies...and"


"Well you'll just find out."


They got up, and he lead her to an empty room with high arching ceilings. "Okay ready?"

She looked at him curiously, not seeing anything in the room.

"Here." He grabbed her hand, steering her so she moved in front of him, facing the wall. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to be looking at, but was rather focused on his hands that had a light grip on her shoulders. "Close your eyes." He said calmly.

She listened shutting them. As he placed a hand on her waist cautiously, she peaked through one eye. "Close your eyes." He repeated with a chuckle.

"Alright fine." She said, smiling and kept them shut.

There was a sudden breeze, and she was confused as it felt as though wind was rushing past her. "Charlie?" She questioned.

"It's okay, I'm right here." He spoke, his hand pressing reassuringly where it rested. "Just relax."

And she did, letting the breeze that was now blowing her hair slightly to just cross her skin. He raised her arms out to the side, and she obliged, feeling quite stupid, but nevertheless, let him do whatever he was doing.

"Alright, open your eyes." He spoke from behind her.

She took in a deep breath, and what she saw was unbelievable. Her heart started to thunder at the adrenaline caused from the scene.

"You like it?" He asked unsure, and she leaned backwards into him.

She looked out over the water. Well what appeared to be water, and the sun beat on her face. It felt so real. She was standing, just on the edge of a boat, that was gliding across the surface below. The smell of salt water, and a gentle mist hitting her face. It was though as she were flying. "I can't believe you did this." She whispered in disbelief.

"It's nothing really."

She turned around slowly, so that she was leaning against the railing of the boat. Her eyes were level with his chest. She looked up meeting his gaze. "Titanic. We're on the Titanic!" She said, still in shock. His hands were no longer on her waist, so she reached out, cautiously placing her hand on the side of his neck. He inhaled sharply with the touch, his heart starting to beat as she shifted closer towards him. He arms were now both around his neck, and he held her against him.

"I'm no Leonardo DiCaprio." He mumbled, and she let out a little laugh, but her chest started to rise and fall realizing how close she was. So close.

She leaned in closer, his nose barely at any distance from her own. "Hermione-" He warned. "I want you to know I didn't do this so-"

There was a silence as she understood what he was saying. "I know." She stated barely audible, for her senses were overwhelmed. His touch, his scent, his voice. The warmth coming from him was indescribable, and she needed to be closer.

She gently moved her fingers on the back of his neck, resulting in his breath to hitch. They both realized what was happening, and it was one of the scariest and exhilarating feelings in the world.

With a kiss, the undeniable chemistry would finally be met, the desire sated. It was the high, and after there was the fear they would come down. But they both wanted it so bad. She wanted the bliss of it all, to feel the warmth, to feel him, to be connected. She leaned in, her lips almost amongst his, but she hesitated, prolonging the longing for a moment, causing his heart to skip a beat.

"You do realize--" She started in a whisper. "we haven't snogged yet." She said shakily, her voice hitting his lips. "any idea why?"

"No idea." He spoke back.

They waited there, only the air between them that hardly counted as space at all, but it seemed the span of London. He moved his hand to the back of her head, pulling her closer their lips connected, sealing a kiss.

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