Chapter 15

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His heart was thundering as he jumped down the stairs.  He was almost in the family room when Bill intercepted him. 

"What, what is it?" Charlie asked, trying to look past his brother to find Hermione.

"We have an emergency, at the ministry, Dad wants us all to come."

"All?" He asked in a disappointed manner.

"Yeah, Percy, you and I."

"Hey whats going on?" The twins asked always bothering themselves in whatever they could.

"Dad asked us to go to the ministry." Bill said quickly.

"We'll come."

"No, you two are two young."

"Bill, for Merlin's beard we are adults now you nincompoop."  George argued.

"No, you two should stay here and whatch the kids if you are so bold." Charlie said, actually quite worried about the safety of the house.

"Who are you calling kids? Charlie, just cause we aren't all graduated yet, mione is seventeen." Ron chimed from the living room. 

Charlie sucked in his cheeks at his brother's nickname, for the girl that he currently would do anything to tell how much he-

"Mum is still home isn't she, we can go simple as that." Fred stated. 

"Alright fine, we'll apparate together, come on now." Bill said, and within a second the five Weasley boys were gone.

"Spooky isn't it." Ron said, watching the spot where they all stood. "What do you suppose happened?"

"Probably just another attack." Harry said, looking into the flames.

"Hey, now that it's just the four of us, doesn't it seem like we're back at Hogwarts?" Ron asked.

"I suppose." Hermione said, thinking of how they would all be in the common room late at night, sitting by the fire. Talking about the war was always ongoing topic.

"But Cormac and Lavender are here." Ginny said.

"Exactly, just like Hogwarts." Hermione commented, the dissatisfaction with the two always lingering around them evident.  Yet everyone broke into a laugh at her comment.

"Where are those two anyway?" Ron asked.

"Kitchen." Ginny said.

No one bothered to care if they were actually in the kitchen or not.  As long as they weren't near them.

"Hello, zes is Fantane, my cousin, she will be staying wiz you until we are back from zee ministry?"

They all looked up to see Fleur with another girl. In an instant Fleur was gone once more after kissing her cousin's cheek.

The girl stood with wide eyes, looking at the group.  She looked about their age, with long black hair, and white flawless skin.  "Bonjour." She said, giving a faint smile. 

"Bloody Hell." Ron said, his jaw practically on the floor. 

Both Harry and Hermione craned their heads to look at Ron with schock.

"I did not excpect this one did you?"

"No." Hermione mumbled but their was a smirk on her face.  She scoffed as Ron got up, held out his arm to the girl. "Would you like some water?" He asked, and then steered her towards the kitchen. He turned quickly mouthing to Harry. "Do you see this? Can you see what she looks like?"

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