Chapter 13

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Hermione had locked herself in the room for the duration of the night, and both Ginny and Lavender stayed in the twins room. Hermione finally appeared puffy eyed and looking like she had been through hell. It had been a rough night, for one she didn't know how to feel about anything. She liked Ron, she really did, but then their was Charlie in the back of her mind.

"Good morning." Mrs. Weasley greeted, as Hermione slumped into the dining room for breakfast. Everyone looked up, curious as to how she was doing. She simply sat down, attempting to smile the best she could. She wondered where Charlie was, but he always was vacant at breakfast, so she assumed nothing of it.

Hermione found it quite odd as well, that no one was talking, she looked up from her plate, and everyone looked away from her. As clueless as they may have thought she was, it was annoyingly obvious they were ogling at her.

"Ron told me, twins overheard, and I think everyone knows at this point." Harry whispered, informing Hermione why everyone was acting so odd.

"Right." Hermione sucked in a breathe, and bit the pancake that was on her fork. It was a very long breakfast indeed. Bill kept trying to make conversation, but all that resulted in was, him, Percy, and Mr. Weasley talking about pointless work things, while the rest of the table remained silent.

Eventually everyone had finished, and they were all excused.

Hermione and Harry had retreated to his room. "He really likes you, you know." Harry said, and Hermione didn't know how to respond. "He's been talking about you this entire holiday non-stop." He began after explaining that Charlie was gone.

"But Lavender." Hermione retorted.

"He hates her. I know it doesn't make sense, but I guess guys usually don't think things through. We're sort of stupid like that."

Hermione thought about this. Still nothing was clarified.

"Mind if I come in?" Ron said, lingering in the doorway.

Harry jumped up, and Hermione threw him an exasperated expression, not really wanting to be left alone. "You know where Ginny is?" Harry asked.

"In the lounge." Ron answered, and then it was just Hermione and Ron.

Ron walked in very awkwardly, which was adorable in a sense. Hermine felt suffocated by the silence, looking at Ron expectantly, but luckily he said something.

"Don't tell me your reading again!" He commented in a bewildered tone, as a way to sort of break the ice.

Hermione looked to the book that she was indeed holding, and she couldn't help but let out a laugh, that was half joy, and half sadness. "Oh Ron." She mumbled, and tried to stop her emotions from pouring out, but her eyes were indeed starting to fill with water.

Ron stood wide eyed at the crying girl, not knowing in any way how to comfort her. Why she was crying was also a mystery, but that's the way girls were right? " Hermione, I don't really know what to-" He began awkwardly, but she answered his question by pulling him rather forcefully into an embrace.

He hesitantly brought a hand to her back, patting her softly as she cried. And as awkward as it was, Ron felt like the happiest he had been in his entire life.

"I'm sorry." she said through her sobs, pulling away after a good while. "I don't know why I'm crying." She made to wipe the tears from her cheeks.

"It's okay." Ron said, which actually sent her into more tears.


"Hmmm?" He hummed.

"Kiss me." She said.

He was rather confused, on why she would ask such a thing, but he didn't refuse. He slowly leaned in, closer to her, the smell he was so used to over the years in the library with her, or in the common room, filled him like a warm cup of Butterbeer. He hesitated right before his lips met hers though, somehow it was harder to kiss someone when it felt real. Their kiss last night was just so sudden and impulsive. He had no idea why this was so difficult. He cupped her cheek in his, and then brought the softest lips onto his once more. And it was like everything was perfect, and nothing mattered in the world.

"Mate I kissed her again!" Ron said to Harry, practically pulling out his own hair.

"How was it?" Harry asked.

"Well, it was actually quite wet." Ron said. "She was crying you see."

"No, I've been their, with Cho."

"Why is it girls kiss you when they're crying?" Ron asked.

"No idea." and the two sat, perplexed over the world's biggest mystery.

"You suppose she still likes Charlie?" Ron asked after a little while.

"You'd have to ask her that."

"But I can't really, I think she might cry again."


"Granger." Fred said, stepping in front of Hermione on the steps.

"What?!" She drawled in her usual voice.

"You kissed our brother."


"So seriously Granger, why is it you've had a thing for most of the Weasley boy's and you haven't the least bit been interested in us?"

"I don't know, maybe you are too annoying."

"but remember when you saw me shirtless, you totally blushed. last year, at the order."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "And there was purely nothing to see." Hermione said, smirking at her comeback, finally reaching the bottom of the stairs. She was about to enter the lounge, when she literally couldn't move her feet.

"Look up Granger." Fred said with a mischievous grin. She furrowed her eyebrows, but was horrified to see a mistletoe hanging in the archway above them.

"No!" She said, blatantly refusing to what was supposed to happen.

"It's magical, we both can't move till you kiss me."

Hermione was now very worried. What in the world was she supposed to do? 'Here goes nothing' She thought.

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