Chapter 24

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The brooms were out of the shed once more, resulting in a ravishing display outside the burrow.  The twins were looping around the house, throwing their Weasley Wizard Wheezes into the air, Harry chasing the snitch, and Ginny soaring around, trying to get the quaffle past her brother Ron, into one of the makeshift goals they had assembled to the roof of the house. 

Ginny was athletic, and beautiful, Harry thought to himself as he watched her frame meander through the clear winter sky, her long ginger hair in waves behind her. 

He had kept focused on the snitch until those dangerous thoughts held by the green eyed monster crept slowly throughout him. Cormac has stepped into the garden.  He stopped diving for the golden object, instead narrowing his eyes from afar at McGlaggen. who's eyes were trained to the regal witch. 

Yet, the fact that Ginny was wearing a Quidditch jersey with his name Potter printed so clearly on the back, eased Harry's jealousy to an extent. 

Deciding he needed to satisfy the growing feeling inside if him, he zoomed over to Ginny, stopping his broom next to hers as she was smirking proudly at Ron for scoring yet again. 

"Mind if I join you?"  He asked clearing his throat, his  nerves coming back the second her heavenly eyes locked into his.

"What ever do you mean, Potter." She said a playful smile on her lips. 

"On your broom, or are you afraid of being that close to the Chosen one?"  He added, and thankfully she laughed at this. 

As he got onto her broom, hands securely placed on her waist, Ron glowered at them. "Hey! That's my sister you nincompoop!" He said, ears growing pink. 

"Bugger off Ronald, your lucky we aren't snogging." Ginny responded, which made Harry chuckle, into her hair of course so Ron wouldn't notice.

"You suspect he minds if his brother snogs someone, as much as it bothers him that I snog you?" Ginny asked.

Harry knew just what she was talking about as he glanced down to find Charlie and Hermione had apparated into the garden.

The twins had instantly swooped over to the pair, seemingly trying to get Charlie on a broom. He took the nimbus 2001gladly, but it was Hermione who looked apprehensive.

"I suspect he minds as much, but not cause it's his brother but Hermione." Harry replied to Ginny.

They followed Ron who had dismounted is own broom, now hovering above the ground.

"Have a good time Hermione?" Ron asked. It wasn't in a rude tone, but one could see he was jealous.

Hermione blinked at him, her smile gone. "Course Ronald. How was your day?"

"Well bless sweet Merlin this is awkward isn't it.?" Fred whispered to Harry and Ginny. 

"Oh we've been having loads of fun. Ginny only got the quaffle past me 15 times."

"Thirty five." Ginny muttered under her breath, in which Harry, the only one who had heard this, outright laughed again. 

Everyone looked towards Harry. 

"Erm- you want to have a scrimmage?" He offered, trying to change the subject from their expressions of confusion. 

"I'm up for that." Cormac added who had been lingering around the group. 

"Charlie? You in?"  Ron asked. 

He nodded. 

"Fantastic" The twins chorused jumping on their brooms and zooming over to the shed to get the bludgers. 

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