Chapter 17

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"I'm going to bed." She said, suddenly. 

He frowned at this.  Why she wished to leave the instant he had tried to be close with her was a mystery.  Had the feelings she felt no longer held true as the ones she had written. 

"Okay." He said. 

With his reply, even though she wasn't asking permission, she stood up and walked towards the exit of the room. 

"Wait Hermione." 

She stopped, looking over her shoulder slightly. 


"Goodnight Charlie."


As she woke up, it was dark. She shuddered as the cold met her skin. She sat up to notice one of the windows had blown open, snow harshly hitting the glass. She removed herself from under the covers, that had offered what little warmth she had. She grabbed the window and closed it shut, locking it with the clasp.

It was too bloody freezing to go back to sleep, so she sat shivering on her bed. She grabbed her wand to make a warming charm. That lasted a solid five minutes, before the cold seeped back in.

A thought had occurred to her. Though it was a terrible idea. Yes, Charlie Weasley had been on her mind since the moment he got back. Now, she didn't know how to feel. She understood she had to be his friend, but it wasn't like she could erase her true feelings. Even the thought of him made her stomach queasy.

'ignore it.' she thought, closing her eyes shut and trying to feign sleep.

It must have been the cold that kept her awake. Aggravated she sat up once more, pulling one of her wool blankets tight around her.

She sat there and thought about it. She was stubborn, and this would be a sign of desperation. 'no, you are cold'

She left her room, and wandered down the hallway by means of her wand light. She reached his door, taking a deep breathe. It was already open a crack, so she pushed it the rest of the way. She cringed when the door made a screeching sound on it's hinges, but landing her eyes on his sleeping figure, she found the noise had not wakened him.

Upon entering the room, she was welcomed with an immense warmth. His windows were indeed shut tight, curtains drawn. As she moved closer to the bed, she gulped. Merlin this was going to be hard. Just seeing him there, wearing nothing but some Quidditch pajama pants made him look so damn adorable. There was something about a person, or at least she thought, that made them attractive when they were wearing pajamas.

She wondered if she should wake him. For if she were to just crawl under the covers with him, it would be so uncustomary. Her eyes once again landed on the necklace hanging on the bedpost, and she was quickly reminded of the thing that scared her the most. Was she supposed to pretend she didn't realize he had opened something that held her deepest darkest feelings?

Just then he stirred, and she stepped back slightly, her heart rate increasing. "nox" she whispered, distinguishing the light. She stayed still monitoring him, as he rolled onto his side. She let out a sigh of relief.

But then.....smack

An owl had just run into the window and Hermione's eyes grew wide in alarm. "oh merlin why me!" She whispered. as Charlie stirred she quickly threw herself into the closet in panic.

She listened as he got out of bed, opened the window, and to what she assumed, was reading over the letter. The lights were on, in which she could tell as it filtered through the cracks underneath the door.

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