Chapter 10

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"What happened?" Bill asked, handing his bottle of fire whiskey for Charlie to sip. 

Charlie, glanced at his brother, smiling at the real reason they were having a heart to heart. "What do you mean?"

Bill let out a groan. "Come on Char, you very well know. When did your oath to die a single man end, you know, dragons before witches, free....not attatched."

"You make me sound like I'm doing something terrible, and what says I'm not to die a single man?"

Bill raised his eyebrows, giving Charlie a look he hated.  The look let Charlie know, his older brother was always right. 

"Hermione." Bill simply stated, and Charlie was getting knots in his stomach.  This conversation was not going to be good.

"What you've never had a fling before? I am a man after all."

"But it's not just a fling." 

The knot grew tighter.

"Bill-" Charlie started, and his brother simply sat in silence. It's what he needed.  Even if he didn't want to need it.  He needed his brother to be there, just to listen.  He could count on him.  They would share their hopes, their dreams, their plans.  They would joke together, they would work together, and they would be there, for eachother.  "You realize I'm going to have to go back, once this holiday is up."

Bill nodded.

"Merlin! It's not like I planned for this to happen.  And she's seventeen!  She has so much going for her.  And....I've been thinking, what if she doesn't really like me?"


"You know what I mean.  What if she just sees me as the mature guy.  You know, the one's people just like because they're older.  And, isn't she still confused.  She liked Ron, and probably still does.-"


"What!?" He yelled.

"I met Fleur when she was seventeen."

Charlie swallowed, looking towards his brother.  "No!, You aren't possible implying, she's the one.....I mean, I'm not even supposed to have a one."

Bill laughed, messing up his brother's hair.  "Charlie, you are acting way to serious, right now, you just need to live.  Have fun.  Act like a normal guy, dating a normal girl."

"But it's so hard.  I don't want to get in too deep. I've only known her for a few days really, but it's felt like-"

"Forever." Bill supplied.

"Bill, what the bloody hell, am I supposed to do?"

"Well I don't know, do whatever feels right.  Not what you think is."  He patted his brother on the shoulder, and then exited the garage.

"Bill! Bill wait!"


Hermione was sitting by the fire, legs tucked up into her chest.  The burrow was very festive currently.  Ginny had been making some cookies with Mrs. Weasley, Fred and George were having their try at christams caroling, and Harry and Ron were playing a game of wizarding chess, the little chess pieces dressed like Santa and elves.  She smiled, but it was empty. Something was different.

She noticed Bill walk in from outside again.  She also knew Charlie was typically with Bill a lot, so her hopes raised slightly by seeing the eldest of the Weasley children enter.  What was going on between her and Charlie, she couldn't define it.  Though she knew he made her happy.

"Dinner." Mrs. Weasley called.

Hermione followed everyone into the dining room as usual, sitting down next to the twins.  Someone filled the other chair open next to her, and she groaned, as another dinner with Cormac she probably could not endure.

"May you pass the water?"

Hermione snapped her head in the direction of the voice, landing on Charlie Weasley. 

"What is it?" He asked smiling adorably.

"Well- uh.." she stuttered. "Nothing, nothing at all-it's just Cormac usually sit's there."

"Do you mind?" He asked politely.

"No, please do."


About ten minutes later, her and Charlie, were in a full game of footsies underneath the table. At first his foot gently bumped hers. Smiling, she nudged him back.  Now, she had somehow managed to get his boot off, and they were kicking the other so forcefully that the attention had turned to them, who were oblivious. 

Hermione let out a snort, but then as she looked up, felt every eye on her. She froze, and her smile faded.  "Yes, my apologies, I've placed a cheerful charm on myself.  Would you excuse me?"  She asked, and as to go along with her excuse smiled very widely, and giggled all the way out of the room. 

"What an idiot!" She scorned herself once she was out of earshot.


"Cheering Charm? How convenient."  Hermione jumped at the voice behind her. 

She spun around, and rolled her eyes.  "I think it was very clever."  She said folding her arms. 

"You've got something, on your cheek."  Charlie pointed out, not even paying attention to her reply. 

"Oh yes!"  Hermione said, quickly wiping her face.  She had set to make cookies, as she usually did around the holidays.  Indeed she was evidence of the activity, as flour was all over her shirt, face, and hair. 

"Can I help?" 

"But all I've yet to do is put the icing on."  She scorned. 

"That's my favorite part." 

"Alright Fine."  She handed him a jar of icing, and he shifted towards the cookies, laid out on the counter. 

Charlie scooped up some of the frosting and made to eat it.  "Wait stop! You can't eat the icing from the bowl!  We need that for decorating." 

"Oh right, not from the bowl." 

"Exactly."  Hermione said, turning back to frost yet another.  But her hand was grabbed before she could do so. 

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked Charlie, looking up into his eyes as he held her hand close to his face, in his two hands.

"You said I couldn't have the icing from the bowl." 

Hermione didn't know what that had to do with anything.  But then....her finger was in his mouth sooner than she could realize what was happening, and he was sucking the icing from it. 

She starred at him dumbfounded.  But a tingly feeling spread down her arm, and sort of warmed her entire body.  "Charlie, are you licking my finger?"  She whispered eyebrows raised.

"Mmhmm" He hummed...this tickled her finger.  But then her finger was hers again. 

"I can't believe you just did that!" She said, bewildered. 

"Why?" He countered.  "Did you not like it?" 

Gods she was going to melt.  "I'm not really sure."  She said. 

"Well I liked it, because the icing is very delicious."  He whispered this too, most likely cause he was very very close.  There noses were practically touching. 

Then he walked away.  Leaving her to wonder what on Earth had just happened.

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