Chapter 7

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"Hello Bill, have you seen Charlie?" Hermione asked the following morning. Out of all the Weasley's, she could count on Bill to not look at her as though she had three heads for asking such a thing.

"He's in his room."

"Right." Hermione said still lingering in the doorway.

"and Hermione..."

"Yes?" She asked quickly.

"I think it would be just fine by him if you stopped by his room, that is why you asked me of course?"

"Yes." She fought back a blush. "Thank you."

She slipped away before hearing Bill reply. "Anytime."

As she knocked on the open door, she could see Charlie stretched out on his bed reading a book. And just the sight of that, not the fact that he was extremely attractive or anything, but the fact he was partaking in one of her favorite activities; was almost as pleasing as starring at him shirtless....almost.

"No Ginny I don't-oh!" He plopped the book down on his lap, smiling once realizing the witch in his doorway was not his sister.

"What are you reading?" Hermione asked curiously, moving to sit on his bed. But then she realized she was sitting on his bed, again her cheeks turning crimson for a stupid thought.

"Ah, you caught me indulging in one of my favorites."

He handed her the book, and she read the title Men Who Love Dragons Too Much, out loud. "That's interesting." She smirked.

"What? Did you picture I'd be reading something else."

"No, not at all. Actually I remember reading parts of this book when Harry and I were researching for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. But isn't it a bit boring?"

"Boring?!" Charlie said exasperated, as though she had personally insulted him.

Hermione opened to a page, clearing her throat and began to read, "Are you a chap that finds yourself obsessed with dragons? Are dragons the only thing that seem to hold importance in your life? Well if so there are two things you can do about it. You can accept that you love dragons too much, and then follow our guide to properly raising a dragon, or....., you can visit your family for the holidays, and instead fall head over heels for an actual girl, who although is not a dragon, is a human, and agrees that you Charlie Weasley, will have it a lot better snogging a witch, rather than a dragon."

"Give me that!" Charlie said, reaching to grab the book, but Hermione just managed to keep it out of his reach, and she was laughing from her little made up story line.

"No, I will not give you the book back unless-"

"I take you to Diagon Alley again?"  Charlie asked calmly in which she was not expecting. 

"Is that your way of asking me to go on an outing with you?"  She quirked up an eyebrow.

"Not sure, maybe you should give the book back." 

"And who else would be going?"

"Oh I thought the two of us would be quite sufficient." 

"Harry! You've got to bloody help me mate!"  Ron quickly said.  It appeared he had somehow gotten rid of Lavender. 

"Not if it's denoming the garden again, cause I just got bit by one of them last evening when-".

"No Harry, it's about you know.."

"No, actually I don't know Ron. What?"

"Hermione. Hermione is going to Diagon Alley with Charlie."

"Er-". Harry unfortunately had had the blessing of being both Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger's best friend.  And for as long as he could remember, that was trying to deal with their complex fancing of each other.
"Well I suppose they're just gonna run some errands."

"No! Ugh, I can't believe of all people Hermione has to like my brother.  What does she even see in him?"

Harry was beginning to remember all the times he thought Charlie Weasley was utterly cool.  Not to mention he seemed to take his work seriously, which Hermione always had considered an admirable trait. Plus he had gotten the best looks, well besides Ginny.  But looking at Ron with utter worry on his face, he decided not to mention any of it.  "I don't know, Hey want to practice some Quidditch." 

"No, I don't feel like it." Ron grumbled. 

"Listen, I know you're jealous and all, but aren't you the one currently with a girlfriend?" Harry asked, pointing out the obvious as politely as possible. 

"Yeah, I know, but I don't really like Lavender."

Harry drummed his fingers on his knees, knowing very well he was about to listen to a thirty minute rant about how Hermione was so much better than Lavender.  Luckily, Ginny appeared in the door. 

"Hey Harry."

"Hi!"  He said quickly, but felt stupid for saying only one word. 

He just starred at Ginny, and once Ron interrupted, "Would you two stop looking at each other and just talk already."  He forced himself to look away. 

"Oh bugger off Ron."

"Hey wait Ginny, can you ask mom if we can all go to Diagon Alley today?"

"All? And sure I suppose, why?"  Ginny threw Harry a flirtatious look, answering her brother impatiently, and Harry was to focused on not looking stupid that he didn't notice what Ron had even said.

"No reason, I just thought it would be a good bonding experience for us all." 

Hermione walked into her room to find Lavender, layering more mascara on. 

"Just grabbing my coat." Hermione said, walking past Lavender to her own bed. 

"Diagon Alley right?" Lavender said in her all too perky voice.

"Um yeah actually, wait how did you know- " Hermione was confused on how Lavender knew she was going out with Charlie, unless of course she had overheard them.

"Oh, Mrs. Weasley told us just five minutes ago."  Lavender jumped up, grabbing her own coat.  "Let's go." 

Hermione folded her arms, studying the girl. "Go where?" 

"To Diagon Alley, duh!  Come on everyone is waiting downstairs." Lavender grinned widely in a menacing fashion, before giggling. "Wait, you were aware we are all going... right?" 

Hermione glared at her as she left the room, it hitting her what had just happened.  So it wouldn't be just her and Charlie after all. This would be lovely.

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