Chapter 34

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They were inseparable.  Something came over the two where they were always together.  Perhaps it was fear any second disaster would strike. 

It was another morning, where Hermione was woken by the feeling of his lips against her neck. "Char what are you doing?" 

He answered an inaudible reply, that tickled her neck.  "Stop It you're tickling me."  He chuckled deeper, sending a million vibrations across her skin. 

She flipped him over. "Stop it!" She scorned. 

He simply wrapped his arms tightly around her and brought his lips up to silence her.  He pulled away to look at her smiling.  "I'm not so sure you want me to Granger." 

Her stomach did summersaults.  "We have to get up." 

"Alright." He answered, dropping her on the bed. 

She watched as he moved over to put on his shirt, then jacket. He moved to kiss her, still sitting on the bed, however she retracted backwards. Instead she lifted her fingers to touch his cheeks. "You have freckles." She stated, cooing over the specks of red across his pale skin.

"I'd hope. It kind of goes with the red hair."

Hermione shook her head. "You're hair isn't red, it's more of a reddish brown".

"Are you to paint a picture?" He asked in a teasing nature.

She threw the pillow at him full speed, which he caught in his hands with his reaction time instincts. 

"Breakfast!" Mrs. Weasley called from the levels below. 

"Now come on Char, it's breakfast." She said in an ordered tone as she passed him with a smirk through the doorway.

On the trip down the levels, Charlie followed the witch with the most admiration. He caught his eyes drawn to her back, not withdrawing from her frame.  What a pleasure it was to simply observe her features.  He was entranced on her locks of messy hair, tempted to reach out and run his fingers through the tresses as he would if they were reading next to the other, or drifting to sleep. 

"I'm starving" she commented to hold conversation. 

He quickly jumped to the step in front of her, foreseeing such an opportunity, standing to face her. "If you're so terribly hungry, would you first give me another kiss?"  He pouted. 

Her face smarted, lips into a grin, as a laugh escaped them.  She pushed against his chest teasingly.  "You are quite the charmer aren't you?"  She replied before continuing down the stairs. 

It was no surprise their playful nature carried into breakfast.  As they sat beside one another, a round of footsies was yet again initiated.  To the limitations as not for Mrs. Weasley to notice of course, however Ginny found it amusing. 

Charlie then escaped to the garage to continue his dragon models.  Ginny meanwhile caught Hermione alone.  "Any word from Harry?" Ginny asked hopefully. 

Hermione looked to her with furrowed eyebrows, "believe me, if I hear you'll be the first to know."  She said, the severity of the world seeming to fall back into place for the time being. 

Eager to rid her wandering imagination of how Harry or Ron could be dead, she joined Charlie in the garage, noticing him taking notes on parchment. 

"Hello." Charlie smirked turning his head, catching sight of her. "Can't resist to be away?" 

Hermione pouted.  "What are we doing?"  She asked in all seriousness. 

He immediately noticed her change in demeanor and a cool expression replaced his flirtatious.  "Hey."  He called, walking over to her. "It's alright." 

She met his eyes, sinking into them.  "How is it when you say so I believe it? You know everything is not alright."

He nodded, not knowing how to comfort the persistence of her stubborn nature.  "Hermione.  We cannot worry. It will do no use.  We must be patient and hope for the best." 

He watched as her gaze faltered, as her lip fell to a pout, but was not expecting her to throw herself at him.  She did, wrapping her arms around him firmly.  She clutched to his shirt, her head resting on his shoulder.  "I need you." She whispered. 

He responded by holding her tight, squeezing her against him as to assure she felt secure.  "We need each other."  He answered.

She pulled away from his embrace, wiping a few tears from her cheeks. "Charlie, you've made me cry."  She  stated in a sort of hiccup. 

He stared down at the girl, not knowing how to explain the way her tears ripped at his own heart as if a dragon had sliced it through.  "I love you".

She looked up to him startled.  She let out a little laugh.  He didn't find it amusing.  "I know you do.  Why do you think I've been so bloody afraid to be near you?" She looked sternly now into his emerald eyes.  She lifted her hand do his chest, absently running her fingers across his shirt.  "It's because I love you." She said softly, chancing to hold his gaze.

"Were going in circles here." He stated, his voice hoarse.

She rolled her eyes slightly.  She pulled away, his fingers gripping her arms as she retracted them. 

"Where 'you going?" He questioned. 

"Charlie."  She scorned slightly as he made to tickle her sides.  She glared at him challengingly, so he stopped his antics, simply having a firm hold on her waist. 

"You've just said you loved me." He stated. 

"I'm aware." She answered calmly in a blush, his hands on her sides feeling like tasers. 

"And you were walking away-" he informed. 

"Yes?" She arched an eyebrow. 

"And you still haven't let me kiss you." 

Her eyes fought the urge to travel to his own lips. 

"Not going to happen." She stated. And this time as she made to run, she was caught in his grasp and couldn't stop laughing, short of breath as his fingers dug like pincers.  Eventually he picked her up from behind, twirling her around in circles. 

"Charlie Weasley, put me down this instant!" 

He listened, and she now stared level to his chest.  She let a few more laughs escape, until slowly her head lifted to look at him once more.  She felt queasy-nervous.  She had kissed him what must have been a hundred times, but it felt she hadn't. She avoided his gaze, closing her eyes. She felt frozen, and as if he had read her mind, her lips were connected to his own as he lifted his hands to both sides of her cheeks and leaned down to steal a kiss. 

In that moment she hadn't remembered what she had been doing, or what she planned to do, or if there was a war. All she could do was melt, slowly, until there was no difference between his breath and her own. 

His lips retracted slowly, leaving her cold, and mouth tingly.  "I could snog you all day." She whispered. 

He exhaled, crashing their lips together again as she wrapped her arms around his neck, smirking through their lip lock. 

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