Chapter 23

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Everyone had returned to the Burrow, all security checked and matters dealt with. And as soon as Hermione stepped out of the fireplace, she was elated. She saw Charlie talking with his father and Bill in the corner of the living room, and when he caught her eye, she smiled.

He snuck away from the conversation, traveling around the room that was now bustling with the joy of being back at the burrow.

"Well Hello there Char." Hermione said, as Charlie was now standing next to her. 

"Your tone sounds different." He stated. 

"Does it?" She questioned. 


"Well perhaps it's the small little insignificant detail, that we snogged." 

"Does it bother you?" 

She stiffened as he placed his hand in the small of her back.  "No." She replied after thought. 

"Well then, Will you accompany me to Diagon Alley?"  He asked quietly.  

"Charlie Weasley are you asking me on a date?"  She questioned, the corners of her lips turning up. 

"I believe I am."

She looked out to the room, noticing everyone's smiles. A miniature sleigh was flying around the room, cookies were in practically everyone's hands. She turned to look at Charlie with a serious face. She saw the anxiety in his eyes, was he doubting her answer?

"So will you?" He asked.

She held his gaze, then nodded slowly, her smile reappearing. "Yes of course, what else would I answer?"


"Yes." She said with a laugh.

"I've asked Dad, if we could go, and he agreed Diagon alley was still safe."

Hermione's chest tightened at the mention of safe. Indeed darker times were upon them. But she wasn't really concerned, that is Charlie would be with her. "Alright, let me grab my traveling cloak, Yeah?" She asked.

Charlie nodded as she slipped away.

A date! Hermione panicked as she stumbled upon her room. She never went on a proper date before. Exclude the Yule ball with Krum, but did that really count. She rummaged around her trunk, pulling out some makeup. She was cautious with it, only applying a little mascara, and some sleekeasy potion for her hair. Then she ran to the bathroom, scrubbing her teeth. She caught her reflection in the mirror. "Relax." She spoke, realizing her nerves were like electric lightning bolts. She took in a deep breath, then exited the bathroom to find Charlie, grabbing her cloak along the way.

Hermione stopped at the bottom of the stairs, her eyes meeting Ginny's.

"He's in the kitchen, by the backdoor." Ginny spoke.

"Right." Hermione said, trying to ignore Ginny's humongous smile.

"And Hermione, Do have fun."

"Thank you Ginny." She said, before heading to the kitchen.

"You ready?" He asked and she nodded. He took her hand and they apparated.

The streets were quite barren, in contrast to a week prior when the Alley was swamped with shoppers.
She could tell Charlie was noticing the bleak atmosphere as well.

"Here, lets get something to eat." He offered, steering her into the Leaky Cauldron.

It was a good decision, as the pub was much more uplifting, as well as toasty. Hermione noticed the giant figure seated at the bar, and her spirits grew immensely. She turned to Charlie with glee. "It's Hagrid!" She spoke to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him over behind her. "Come on." Charlie chuckles at her sudden enthusiasm.

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