Chapter 2: Senior Year

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Athena's POV


Ugh! Why does my alarm have to be so loud? I slung my arm in the general direction of my alarm clock. It was the first day of my senior year, and I couldn't be any less excited. Via and I hadn't gotten back from our trip until past midnight. The whole way home, she kept smiling like a cheshire cat. Anytime I asked her about it, she just changed the topic.

I really wasn't looking forward to my senior year. This was the year when they put the most pressure on us. To get good grades, to get into college, to find jobs. I just pray that I can get into NYU and become some sort of writer. My father went to NYU and now I wanted to go too.

Groaning, I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. I only had to suffer one more year through the hell hole that is high school, and then I will be free.

I picked out a pair of denim ripped jeans, paired with a light blue long sleeve shirt with lace at the bottom. Even though it was technically still summer, my school is freezing. It's like they've never heard of a heater. Everybody's always complaining, but they never do anything to fix it. Typical public school.

When I was in my bathroom, I lifted up my shirt and looked at the scar that ran diagonally from one side of my stomach to the other. It was a constant reminder of that night. I would remember it for the rest of my life. I had a permanent reminder so of course there was no way I could forget.The scar was a little jagged, and was a light pink color. It was clearly visible against my pale complexion.

I had other tiny scars covering my stomach, and part of my upper left arm.

I hated looking at them. They reminded me of him. I would never see him again and these scars were a painful reminder of that. I let go of my shirt and began to get ready. This was a new year and I was determined to get through it without any bumps along the way. I needed to keep my grades on track and my mind focused if I wanted to go to NYU.

After about 15 minutes, I was ready. It didn't take me that long because I don't wear any make-up to school. I prefer the natural look. Also, I'm too lazy to get up even earlier just to attempt making myself pretty. It's not like I didn't know how, I just preferred not to.

I braided my hair into 2 loose french braids, and left a few pieces out so they could frame my face. Then, I washed my face and brushed my teeth before walking back into my room and putting on my glasses.

My glasses weren't anything special. They had a thin, gold frame and were a little on the bigger side. I had contacts but I preferred to wear my glasses. They made me feel safer. They were like a shield that protected me from the world. Knock, knock!

"Come in!' I shouted at the person knocking on my door.

Via walked into my room, already dressed for school. "Oh my god, is Via actually ready for school on time?" I gasped jokingly. Via was always over sleeping. She's been that way for as long as I can remember. Her brother was the same way. I don't know if he is anymore. I haven't seen him in almost 6 years. "Ha ha," Via laughed, "I just came to see if you were ready. Your father is making us breakfast."

"Tell him I'll be down in a minute. I just need to pack some things first," I replied. Via nodded and headed out my door. Even though Via is like a daughter to my father, and my father is like a dad to Via, she still calls him by his first name, instead of calling him dad or father.

It makes sense, though.

Her real father isn't actually dead. She just hasn't seen him in a really long time. Grabbing all the stuff I would need today and shoving it in my backpack, I headed downstairs. My nose was instantly hit with the smell of bacon. "Hmmm!" Bacon was my favorite.

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