Chapter 19: The New Friend

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When we got back home from the mall, I took off my shoes and went right upstairs to my room. I could sense Via following me. The whole way home I hadn't said anything about my little panic attack at the mall and I knew Via was dying to ask me about it. She knew that I was going to have trouble talking about anything related to the accident.

Once inside my room, Via shut my door and said "Alright, spill."

"When we were taking a break on the bench, I was watching these two kids chase each other. They were having so much fun. Then out of nowhere their dad appeared and told them it was time to go home. I recognized him. It was him. He was there." I looked over at Via to see her reaction.

She knew who he was and she knew how mad and destroyed he had been when he found out his wife died.

"Anyways, he turned around and we made eye contact and I lost it. I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore. I was on the verge of having a panic attack so I ran. When I got to the bathroom, I locked myself in a stall and somehow managed to calm myself down."

"Then when I was rinsing my face that girl Isabella appeared and gave me some really good advice. We talked for a minute then she wrote her number down," I said gesturing to my arm, "and that's when you came in."

"Wow" was all Via said. She knew what I've been through all these years and she knows that I've been struggling to accept the fact that my brother is dead and that my mom left us.

"That was really nice of her to do that for you. I'm going to go make dinner for you and I'll bring it up when I'm done. Try to rest while I'm downstairs, okay?"

"Okay," I replied.

Once Via left, I grabbed my phone and put Isabella's name in my contacts.

Athena: Hey this is Athena, the girl you helped in the bathroom at the mall in Malibu earlier today.

Isabella: Oh yeah! I remember you. How are you doing now?

Athena: I'm doing fine. Your advice really helped.

Isabella: No problem. I'm glad to help out. I've been through some stuff too, so I know how hard it is to get back up on your feet.

Athena: My incident happened 4 years ago but I still struggle with the grief. How do you handle yours?

Isabella: Well, when my dad died I was devastated. I refused to come out of my room. Eventually, my nanny got me out. My suggestion is find somebody you can lean on and that can help you up when you fall. Those are the people you need to keep closest to you.

There was a knock at my door.

Athena: Thanks for your advice. I know that your mom is smiling down at you for all the good you are doing. I have to go now but thanks again for helping me.

Isabella: Your welcome. Text me anytime you feel like it. Bye.

Athena: Bye.

"Come in!" I shouted.

A moment later Via walked into my room holding a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup. "I thought this would make you feel better. I know it isn't the homemade stuff but chicken noodle soup is chicken noodle soup no matter if it comes from a can or it's homemade," Via stated.

I thanked her as I took the soup from Via.

"You always know how to make me feel better."

"Of course I do. We have lived together for the past 6 years," she replied.

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