Chapter 26: The Dream

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There was a church in front of me.

Why was there a church in front of me?

The church looked like the typical church you would see in a movie or TV show. It was white with a mint green roof. It looked like a long rectangle with another, smaller rectangle on top for the bell tower.

There was people lined up in a path that lead to the front doors. Okay what is going on? This is getting creepy.

All the people stared at me like they were waiting for me to do something. They were dressed in their best clothes. The woman wearing nice, floral dresses with 1 or 2 inch heels and the men were wearing a button down t-shirt with nice dress pants.

So many questions were running through my mind. Why are they all dressed up? What are they dressed up for? Why am I here? Why are they staring at me?

I decided to go into the church and see if I could find somebody to give me answers. These people wouldn't be any help.

I walked towards the church doors and gently pushed them open. Inside it was set up like a wedding. There was a white carpet laid down leading up to the altar, pink flower petals strewn across the floor, a bouquet of pink roses at every pew.

A silver arch hung near the altar, decorated in white fabric and more pink roses. The stain glassed windows above the altar cast a rainbow of different colors on the scene. It was beautiful.

I walked forward toward the altar when I noticed a woman sitting in the very first row of pews.

She was dressed like she was going to church in the South. Her unmistakable brown hair tumbled past her shoulders in expertly done curls.

Her eyes were the brightest emerald green I had ever seen.

That's my mother.

"Mom what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to see your wedding of course. You are getting married today. There's still so much to do. We have to finish decorating. We have to find you a bouquet. We don't have enough time. Go get ready!" she shouted at me. I looked down and noticed that I was wearing a white lace dress that came to my knees. Instead of having on heels I had in my beat up Converse. Why am I dressed like a bride?

I looked in the window to see my reflection. My hair was a mess and my face was make-up free with a giant bruise on my cheek.

"I'm too young to get married. What's happening Mom? Why is this happening?" I'm so confused right now. The last thing I remember was fainting. I was at Leo's basketball game and was walking down the bleachers when I suddenly fainted. How did I end up in a church dressed like a bride?

"You know," my mother started "this is the church your father and I got married in."

I didn't know my parents got married in a church. They've never even took me to church. Maybe something happened and they stopped going.

"We were so young when we got married, and very much in love. He made me laugh until I couldn't breath and had tears coming out of my eyes. I miss him so much. He was the love of my life. Ever since the accident I've been depressed."

"I did everything I could to make it go away nothing seemed to work. I was always sad no matter what I did."

"The only logical thing in my mind that would make it go away was to leave you guys. So, I packed up my bags one night and just left. Ever since then I was hopping from city to city before I finally landed in LA. I had a job as a secretary at some company and life was good."

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