Chapter 5: The News Part 2

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Disclaimer: Any chapter with part 2 will be told from Leo's point of view

When I can back from getting pizza with Via, I felt extremely guilty. When I told her about what I'd been doing in France, she was extremely mad. Via hated the fact that I was a player. Somehow during the pizza dinner, Via had steered the conversation towards my love life.

And I accidentally let it slip that I may have had a couple one night stands when I was living in France. But hey, I couldn't help it that I was trying to get over someone else. Although nothing ever worked. I'm still in love with Athena.

She was mainly mad at me for having the one night stand when she knew I liked Athena. The girls I had one night stands with knew what they were getting into with me. They knew that I didn't like to date that much. The longest I dated a girl for was a month. To add icing on top of the cake, when I told her that I ride a motorcycle, she basically flipped out. Then, we argued and Via stormed out.

My sister always did get mad easily at me. It was one of the many traits we shared.

After she stormed out, guilt washed over me like a heavy rain. I shouldn't have told her those things. I knew they would make her mad. Especially, because Via has always hated the people that just use someone for their body and then dump them without caring for their feelings at all.

My sister had a bad experience a couple of years ago with a player and has hated them ever since. 

A few months into her freshman year, Via started to date this older guy. He was a junior, and known not to be the most loyal. She was just like every other girl. She thought she could change him and she couldn't. They had been dating a few months when Via told me that she told her boyfriend that she loved him. I was happy for her.  But a couple days later Via found out that he had been cheating on her with other girls. And the rest is history.

I wanted to beat him until he couldn't breath, until he couldn't walk but I was in France and Via assured me that she was going to be fine. The only reason I calmed down was because she said her and Athena were going to get some sort of revenge on him. She was my twin sister after all. She never told me what exactly she did but whatever it was made the guy so embarrassed he switched schools. I wish I could've seen the look on his face when it happened. It would've been priceless.

I know that Via hates guys who sleep with a lot of girls. But, in my defense I only slept with a handful of girls. Plus, she's not my mom I can do whatever I want. Admittedly, part of me did feel guilty for using those girls. But, hey, I never dated anyone for more than a couple weeks and the girls knew who they were getting involved with.

Still, I felt guilty no matter what I told myself. Damn Via and her kindness. 1 hour with her and I was already turning into a big softie.

Anyways, I walked out of the restaurant and headed towards my bike.

As I made my way, my thoughts drifted towards Athena and our encounter this morning. She looked so different than she had when we were little. She had definitely grown into her big forehead.

Her eyes were a soft almond shaped, and a little down turned. They were still the same haunting emerald eyes that I remembered. Athena looked to be about 5' 3", which was almost a foot shorter than me. Her light brown hair fell a couple inches past shoulder length in soft waves.

Her body had some curves to it.

She would look even better if she wore clothes that fit her better and contacts. Of course, I still thought she was beautiful just the way she was. My once ugly duckling had turned into a beautiful and graceful swan. The thing was, whenever I saw her in the halls today, I always caught a couple guys looking at her. Athena was the type that was effortlessly beautiful and that stole all the guys attention without realizing it.

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