Chapter 28: The Reunion

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My heart stopped for a second before I realized my mother was perfectly fine.

Just as she stepped into the street to cross it, a truck came barreling towards her, not slowing down one bit. Luckily, my mother looked up just in time and managed to step back before the truck could hit her.

She was lying on the ground but other than that she seemed to be fine.

The truck didn't stop to make sure she was okay either. They just kept going. What dumbass was speeding in a hospital parking lot? He could've killed my mother.

My mother got up, brushed herself off, and walked inside like nothing happened.

A few minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door. I straightened in my bed and said "come in." My mother walked in and I was completely speechless. I hadn't realized it when we met a couple months ago, or just now when I was watching her come in, but I really did look so much like her.

She looks like an older version of me, with a few different details.

"Hey mom," I waved at her shyly. She looked at me in shock and broke down in tears. "I've missed you so much," she replied. A pair of arms embraced me as she gave me a hug. God it's been so long since I've hugged my mother. It feels so good.

"I've missed you too," I mumbled into her shoulder. My voice was muffled by the fabric but I knew she heard me. I could feel the tears dripping on my head.

Everybody that was in the room slowly left so we could talk in private.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me.

"I could be doing better but I can handle it. The pain isn't that bad," I said. It went silent after that. I'm not really sure how I should start this conversation. I'm sorry? That didn't cover how bad I felt for what I said.

Sure she hurt me and my father but holding onto grudges isn't healthy. At the very least I can learn to get past this. Forgive but never forget.

"I'm sorry," my mother blurted out. "I know that doesn't even begin to make up for what I put you guys through, but I don't know how else to express it. I'm sorry and I will do whatever it takes to get you to forgive me."

"Mom, it's okay, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have blown up at you like that. I had an epiphany this morning."

"I know you hurt me and some people might think I shouldn't forgive you, but I don't want to live a life of regret. I don't want something to happen to you or me and have the other person think they died hating them. It will take a while for me to fully come to terms with what you did and to forgive you, but I'm willing to try."

My mom started to cry harder as she started to talk. My shirt was wet from all the tears. "I don't deserve your forgiveness. I'm glad you are trying instead of giving up. When we last met, I thought you would hate me forever. I was so scared that I would never get to see you again. I've always dreamed of being at your wedding and seeing you grow old with your loved ones. You don't understand how happy your are making me by giving me another chance. I promise I won't screw up this time. I swear."

We sat there hugging for a good 5 minutes before my mother finally pulled away. "So what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well I guess I could ask you about school. Isn't that something all mothers do?" I chuckled a little at her response. "Seriously though," she started," how has school been? Do you have good grades?"

"My grades are fine. I'm actually planning on becoming some sort of writer when I'm older," I said. She clasped her hands together and exclaimed "oh, that's wonderful! You've been writing stories since you learned how to write. You will sell a million copies of all your books and become a super famous author." I chuckled at her statement.

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