Chapter 22: The Results

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"Oh my god Athena! What happened to your face?"

I looked at Via whose face was in pure and utter shock. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and her mouth was hanging open. "You know if you don't close your mouth you'll start catching flies," I replied. I wasn't sure if I should tell Via or not.

I mean on one hand she is my best friend but on the other hand she is also Leo's twin sister. What if she lets it slip about why I'm injured? I don't want anything to distract Leo from basketball tryouts.

"Come here." Via closed the door behind her and sat down on my bed. "What happened Athena? And don't you dare lie to me. I can tell when you're lying."

So, I told her.

"I was leaving the school when Jenny and her followers approached me and pulled me into a nearby janitors closet. Then Jenny started yelling at me for taking 'her man' to Homecoming. She called me a bitch and slut and then she had her minions hold me down while she kicked me."

"I was too scared to call for help or show any signs of weakness. I thought that would just make them attack me more. Eventually she stopped and they left me in there. I'm not sure how long I was in there but eventually I dragged myself back to my car and here we are."

For the first few minutes after I finished she didn't say anything. Via sat there in a state of shock listening to what I had said.

The silence in my room was deafening. "Say something please," I pleaded with her "this silence is scaring me."

"Sorry I just don't know what to say nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I mean your face isn't too bad it just looks really scary. Are you sure your face is the only injured part on your body? I will take you to the hospital if you are injured anywhere else."

Via kept on rambling. It was surprising that she wasn't getting mad. By now she would've been in a rage, ranting about the ways she was going to get Jenny back, calling her all sorts of colorful names. This is so unlike her.

"Via why aren't you getting angry?" I asked.

"I'm too worried about you to be angry right now. Are you sure you're okay? You can stay home from school tomorrow I'm sure your father would understand. Are you going to tell Leo? He kind of has a right to know."

I grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to look me in the eyes.

"Via I assure you I am perfectly fine. These are all superficial injuries. They'll be gone in a couple days, they're just bruises after all." Slowly, she nodded her head but she still looked worried.

After awhile I finally managed to convince her that I was perfectly fine. Reluctantly she left my room. She didn't want to but I made her leave because I have to take a shower. She was so worried about me that she offered to help me clean myself.

It's sweet that she's so worried but I can wash myself off. It doesn't hurt that bad.

I turned on the shower and hopped in. It was a little difficult to stand but I managed. I was leaning heavily on my right leg and my ribs were starting to throb in pain.

Once I got out of the shower I gingerly put some clothes on and walked over to my desk to do some writing. Maybe working on my story will help me take my mind off the pain.

I decided to work on this new short story idea that I've had for a while. It's about an artist that gets sucked into her painting. She has to figure out how to escape before she gets trapped there forever.

Honestly, it was probably one of my best works so far, and I'm not even done writing it. It sounds so professional and mature to me. Sure there are mistakes littered throughout the chapters I've written so far but there's something about this story.

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