Chapter 36: The Recovery

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Athena's POV

When I was little, I always thought that one day I was going to be swept off my feet by my knight in shining armor. That he would come knocking on my door and sweep me off my feet.

When I was little I even created a drawing off us riding off into the sunset, towards a beautiful castle on the horizon. Our wedding was going to be filled with cupcakes, cotton candy, and frosting. I was a naive little girl who didn't realize that things could be ripped from under your feet in a millisecond.

I always thought I was going to live happily ever after with my knight in shining armor.

I never thought that I would see the day that he dies.

My eyes were still closed, not wanting to open and see what lies before me. Leo's lifeless body surrounded by a pool of blood. Just thinking about it hurt my heart so much to the point that I felt like I was going to die.

Once I realized Teddy was going to pull the trigger, I shut my eyes. Seeing somebody I love get shot is not something I wanted to witness. It's not something anybody wanted to witness.

I already had to experience losing one person I love, I didn't want to lose another one.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to the scene before me.

Both Leo and Teddy were lying in a pool of blood before me. I ran over and without thinking knelt down next to their bodies.

"Leo? Are you okay?"

He didn't respond. Instead, his eyes looked up at the sky completely lifeless. No, no, no! This wasn't supposed to be happening.

"Wake up!" I screamed at him. "Wake up! This is isn't how it's supposed to end. Not before I get a chance to tell you the truth. I love you, and I always will. I realize that know. I'm so sorry for rejecting you just please, wake up."

"I'm begging you," I whispered.

"I need you. Ever since you came back, my life has changed. Whether its for the better or worse, that has yet to be determined, but I don't care. You came into my life like a wrecking ball, out of nowhere and you somehow managed to break down all my walls. You helped me get over the death of my brother without even trying. You made me realize that I wasn't a worthless and that I deserved to be happy just as much as the next person."

"You make me laugh over the dumbest things. You make me smile, even on my hardest days. You are the only person who can do those things without even trying. Please Leo, I'm begging you, you can't leave me."

"I need you."

"Come back," my voice was hoarse from all the crying as I whispered the last sentence. My tears were dripping down onto Leo's face, leaving trails of tears. I heard sirens in the distance and prayed that they got here early enough to save him.

My head rested against Leo's chest. Please God, if you are listening, please save Leo. I will do anything you want just please, save him. It's the only thing I will ever ask of you again.



I sat slouched in the hospital chair as I watched the nurse attend to Leo. It has been 5 long and agonizing days since Leo was found. He was barely hanging on when we arrived at the hospital. Luckily, the bullet didn't hit him, but he fainted from his other injuries, mainly his knee. They said that they might have to amputate it, worst case scenario.

Best case scenario, he keeps his leg but will most likely walk with a slight limp the rest of his life. Honestly, it's not the best situation, but at least he's alive. It could've been worse.

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