Chapter 23: The Vibe

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^^ This is a picture of Isabella's outfit and car.

The next day at school, Jenny arrived with a white bandage on her nose. So I guess the rumors were true. Via really did break her nose.

I wonder if she will get in trouble for doing that. Maybe, but only if they could actually prove that it was her and not some other person or that Jenny did it to herself. She deserves it. I've never done anything to her but ever since high school started she's bullied me.

Jenny's always making fun of the way I look, or how I dress, or even how I talk. It's been like this for years. At the beginning of our senior year the torment died down a little bit but for some reason it's back with a raging force and more scary than ever.

When I say it died down I mean Jenny completely ignored me. She didn't talk to me or even glare at me, she acted like I was invisible which was fine by me. I'd rather be invisible than be on her radar.

I can honestly say that I don't know what triggered this aggression towards me. She used to be somewhat nice to me in middle school and we hung out a couple of times outside of school, but never to the extent that I would call her one of my close friends.

The only person who knew about her bullying and teasing was Via.

Now that Via broke her nose she would most likely become an object of Jenny's wrath too.

I would tell a teacher but last time I did she threatened to beat me up until I couldn't walk anymore.

Plus, even if I had told the teacher wouldn't have done shit. Teachers never do anything to stand up to bullying besides 'tell an adult'. That never works. They all either ignore it or don't give the bully any consequences.

And now having Jenny's nose broken is one of the top punishments I could've wished for her. She's all plastic and air (her dad just so happens to own a plastic surgery clinic). The only thing that would be better would be to see her go down for everything she's ever done to me or anyone else.

The rest of my morning was spent thinking about Jenny and what I would do to her if I had the guts.

When lunch time rolled around, the only thing that stopped me from thinking about Jenny and her evil ways was the sight of food.

The cafeteria was serving chicken tenders and fries today, my favorite meal. Basic, I know but you can't help what you love.

I grabbed the meal and set it down on my red tray before grabbing a water bottle and heading towards Via.

She was already sitting down and kept shaking her right hand.

"Hey what's wrong with your hand?"

Via looked up at me surprised and said "oh nothing. It's just after I punched Jenny yesterday my hand was hurting so I went to the nurse and she said my hand was fine just a little bruise. The nurse told me to ice it and that it would be fine in a couple of days."

Her injury reminded me of my ribs. They hurt a little less than yesterday and I'm able to walk without limping so that's a good sign. They are still bruised pretty bad but it's dying down a little. The pain medicine I've been taking has been doing some good after all.

It's probably the only reason the pain isn't as bad.

Via, Leo, and my dad still don't know about the bruising on my ribs or what happened to me. Well, Via knows and she helped with the bruise on my face  but other than that no one knows. The bruise on my face is virtually gone and I can hide the bruise on my ribs without a problem so there's no point in telling anyone.

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