Chapter 16: The Plan

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Leo pulled me inside an empty janitor's closet so we could talk in private.

"What do you want?" I asked.

Leo dropped my wrist and said ,"Don't go to Homecoming with Teddy. Go with me."

I stared at him, completely speechless. Did he really just ask me to Homecoming? Why was he doing this? Does this mean he likes me?

"Why on earth would I go to Homecoming with you?"

"Because my friend is going to ask Via today, which means she will have a date if she says yes. I asked you because if she says yes then I have to third wheel all night and I really don't want to." I listened to his words very carefully, trying to detect some other reason for asking me, but I couldn't find one.

"I don't want to go with you. I don't even like you. Plus, I want to go to Homecoming with someone that I actually like, not just a friend like you."

"Please," Leo begged," I promise I'll make it up to you. This will be a good opportunity to make Teddy jealous."

I thought about it for a couple minutes. This would be a good opportunity to make Teddy jealous. He's friendly to everybody, even the girls. This would be a good time for me to see if he actually liked me the way I like him.

"Okay fine but on one condition."

"I'll do whatever you want." Leo looked at me, waiting for my condition.

"You have to take Via and I to Freddie's after school whenever we feel like it, and you have to pay."

Freddie's is this 80's style diner 10 minutes away from the school. They had the best fries, burgers, and shakes in town. It was a hidden place; a place you would only know about if you knew where to look.

"Done. Except when winter time comes around it might be harder in the next couple months because basketball tryouts are in 2 weeks and if I make the team I will be a lot busier."

I looked at him and sighed, "Fine, you don't have to take us after school but whenever you win a game you have to take us and pay for us."

Leo nodded his head and then opened the door for me.

We walked out and started walking towards Anatomy together. "Oh, speaking of basketball tryouts, when do you get your stitches off?" I asked, suddenly remembering the trip to the hospital yesterday.

"I'll be good in time for tryouts. Don't you remember the doctor saying that I can get them off the week before tryouts?" He chuckled a little as he replied.

I let my hair fall in front of my face as I looked at the ground. I had completely forgotten that the doctor said that. I need to pay attention more.

As we walked to class, we talked a little more about homecoming and what we would be going as. Leo wanted me to go as a nurse and him be the doctor but I told him that's too cliche.

By the time we had reached the classroom we had named off every costume imaginable.

"I still don't see why you can't be a nurse. I bet you would look sexy as hell." He looked over and winked at me.

"Because that's super cliche and I want to go as something a little more creative than that," I replied as we sat down.

"Whatever you say AJ."


Once it was time for lunch, I practically sprinted to the cafeteria. I was starving and was craving some fries. Our school's weren't the best, but they were better than some places.

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