Chapter 35: Lost and Found

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Athena's POV

I went to school wearing the baggiest clothes I had, a pair of big sweat pants and my dad's old hoodie. I woke up this morning with zero energy to do anything.

After my dad called me yesterday, I left school and went to the nearest park. My mind was swirling with thoughts and I needed to clear my head.

I sat down at a bench and just let all my worries slip away.

It was peaceful. The park was quiet because everyone was at school and work, and I was far enough away from a major road that I couldn't hear any sounds. At least, it was peaceful until the hours slipped by and kids rushed to the playground once school let out.

The squealing kids brought my mind back to reality. Leo was gone and the police were calling off the search. My feet dragged along the sidewalk as I walked over to my car, and started the engine, not wanting to go home.

After I arrived home, I went straight up to my room and stayed up there all night, only coming out to get some dinner.

And here I am, at school at 7:45 in the morning in baggy clothing and a coffee in my hand. Part of the reason why I had no energy was because my brain thought up the genius idea to stay up half the night.

Anybody who walked passed me gave me dirty or curious looks because of the way I was dressed. Me being me, I mean mugged all of them and kept walking towards my locker. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with any shit this morning.

I opened my locker and shoved my books inside. Something shoved my shoulder into the hard, cold metal of my locker. Scowling, I turned around to see who it was.

"Teddy?" I'm surprised to say the least. The past couple of weeks he hasn't really been in school. He's been in and out, skipping half the day. It's weird. I wonder what happened.

He gives off weird vibes, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have something else going on at home.

"Are you okay?" His eyes looked bloodshot and like he hadn't slept a wink last night. I knew that feeling all too well.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just came from my parents cabin an hour outside of town and I woke up late because I stayed up late. I had to rush to school because my parent's would kill me if I'm late," he replied. His eyes were darting around like he was looking for someone and his hands were nervously rubbing together.

Wait, hold up. Did he just say his parents would kill him if he was late to school? What about all the times he's skipped school the past couple weeks?

Something was not adding up.

"Lucky you got here right before school starts then. Why were you at your parent's cabin anyways?" I asked. He leaned forward a little for some reason.

"Oh uhm, I was with a f-friend. Yeah, a friend. He wanted to hang out at the cabin and we lost track of time while we were there and fell asleep."

My nose started itching. Some smell caught my attention.

"Is, is that blood on your jacket?" I asked. My eyes narrowed in on the left sleeve of his jacket. Just above the end of the sleeve was a splatter of blood, no bigger than a golf ball.  It looked fresh too.

"Oh, uh, that's nothing. Me and my friend were painting this morning and I got some on my sleeve. Bye!" He rushed away from me abruptly and turned the corner.

What? My brain hurts from that conversation. Nothing is adding up.

He says his parents will kill him if he's late, but he skips almost everyday, he says he woke up late, but all of a sudden he has time to paint? Either he's trying to hide something or he's on drugs.

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