Chapter 3: He's back

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"May I use the restroom?" I asked politely. She nodded and handed me the bathroom pass telling me that I only had 5 minutes to use the restroom. I thanked her and walked out the door. When I was near the restrooms, I saw a tall figure leaning against the lockers. I gasped as I saw the side of their face. The sound of the bathroom pass clattering to the floor startled them and they turned around all the way.




"What are you doing here?" I asked. I was still in a state of shock. Leo has been gone for 6 years, he disappeared from my life for 6 years, and now he's suddenly standing before me. It doesn't make any sense. I thought he was still in France. I wonder if Via knew about this.

"I decided to come back. It was about time," Leo replied. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared at me. Leo looked a lot different from how I remembered him. The once skinny boy that was always teasing me and making fun of me had grown into a young, handsome man. Just because I didn't like doesn't mean i can't admit that he looks cute now. Honestly, it just makes me dislike him even more. His black hair was shaved on the sides and sticking up on the top.

His piercing blue eyes stared down at me as I continued to look him over. He had to be at least 6 foot, which means he's almost a foot taller than me. I could tell that he was studying me too. his eyes were traveling up and down, as if he was scanning me. I hadn't changed that much over the years. I was still the same ugly duckling that I was 6 years ago. Leo, however, would definitely have all the girls falling head over heels for him.

"So, how have you been?" Leo asked me. "Fine," I said. I still couldn't believe he was actually here. The more I think about it, the more I think Via already knew about Leo's surprise homecoming. That's why she was so happy this morning. She knew he was coming back and she didn't tell me. That sneaky little bitch. Via knows how much I hate Leo.

He was always making fun of me and pulling pranks. I can't even begin to describe how many times I was hurt because of him. "That's it?" Leo asked jokingly. "I've been gone for 6 years and all you have to say to me is 'fine'. How about a 'I am good' or a 'how are you?"

"You really think that I would be nice to you after all these years. You bullied me and teased me. My life was horrible because of you. Every little shred of happiness I ever had was torn away because of you. You made sure that everybody hated me. You turned everyone against me. you seriously think that I can forget all that?"

By this point tears were streaming down my cheeks. I hated him. Even after all these years I still held a grudge towards him. He made my life hell, and didn't even care. He just did whatever he pleased, without a care in the world as to who he hurt. I was lucky that I had Via by my side all those years. She made everything so much better. Via always stood up for me and made me feel better.

Everybody hated me, Leo convinced me of that. But Via was the one who convinced me not to give in to their constant teasing and bullying and to just ignore all the haters. In her words "All the people who hate on you know are going to work at McDonald's their whole life."

He ruined my life. I could never forgive him. I hated myself even more, because when I first met him, I had a crush on him. Although, that went away after a year because I realized how much of an ass he really was. "Listen, Athena, I'm really sorry about everything that I did to you as a child. I was stupid and didn't know how to control my actions."

I looked away from Leo. Does he really think apologizing will fix the years worth of damage he did to me? It took me 2 years after he left to realize that he was wrong. That I actually did have plenty of people who loved me. But then, that night happened and all the depression I had been feeling came rushing back.

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