Chapter 33: The Missing Person pt 2

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Leo's POV:

I woke up the next morning and glanced at my phone. I had a text from coach informing me that we would be playing at a charity basketball tournament tomorrow in LA and that we would be leaving after school is over.

I'm excited to go. I've only been to LA a handful of times. From what I remembered, LA was fun. There was all different kinds of people, places, and food.

It took some getting used to with the crowds and everything, but it was fun nonetheless.

I wonder why he didn't tell us earlier though. Usually if we have something going on on the weekend, he'll tell us a couple days before hand.

I threw my covers off and walked downstairs.

My father was sipping on some coffee, looking at something on his phone. Typical.

"Hey dad, my coach invited us to play in this charity basketball tournament thing. It's tomorrow and in LA. Can I go? I would have to stay home from school so I can pack," I asked.

"Sure," he said without even glancing up.

I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, poured in some Lucky charms and milk, and enjoyed my delicious breakfast.

When I finished, I set my bowl in the sink and went upstairs to pack. It honestly wouldn't take me all day to pack but I figured I could use this chance to skip out on school. It was only one day. It's not like I'm going to be gone for a couple of weeks.

My closet was a mess, but I managed to find everything I needed. After I had eaten my breakfast, I checked my phone again and coach had texted me additional things I needed/ needed to know. In my suitcase there was 3 casual outfits to wear when we weren't playing, my basketball uniform and shoes, a couple shorts and shirts for practice, my toothbrush/toothpaste, and extra socks and underwear.

Everything else I could pack right before I left. I didn't need that much anyways. We were only going to be gone for 2 and a half days.

When I was done packing, I put in my earbuds and and laid down.

I needed time to think and get in the zone before we left. This was hard, however, because my mind kept finding its way back to AJ. It was like my thoughts were constantly tethered to hers, no matter how far away we are from each other.

Whenever I saw her, I couldn't take my offs of her. She was just so beautiful, there's no other way to describe her. Her green eyes were stunning, and as cliche as it was, I could get lost in them for hours upon hours. They lured me in.

It also didn't help my heart and mind when she laughed and her eyes sparkled like the stars, or when she looked at me with puppy eyes because she wanted something.

She was like a drug, and I was addicted to her.

I wanted to be with her, to hold her, to kiss her, so bad, but something was holding her back. It can't be Via because knowing her she's probably our biggest shipper. I was intent on getting her back, no matter the cost.

I was going to try and win her back last night, but then we got to talking and I completely forgot about my plan. It flew out of my mind and jumped off a 100-foot cliff.

All thoughts of her winning her back were abandoned. All that was left was a feeling of wanting to comfort her. I knew her brother was dead, but I didn't know how bad the accident had been. I also didn't know that she watched her brother die right in front of her.

I can only imagine how traumatizing that would be to witness.

The aftermath of the accident was hard on her. I heard it from her dad, and I've gotten little clues bout how hard it was from Via and Athena themselves.

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