Chapter 1

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"Rise and shine your highness," Merlin shouted ripping the curtains open letting the early morning sunlight flood into the room.

Arthur groaned rolling over in a sluggish state between consciousness and sleep.

"Get up lazy head. You have a big day today," Merlin yelled in Arthur's ear making Arthur jolt awake and slip off the bed landing at Merlin's feet. Merlin laughed gleefully giving Arthur a wide grin. Arthur looked up at Merlin and shot him an irritated glare.

"Do you always have to be like this in the morning Merlin," Arthur asked as he untangled himself from the mess of sheets and stood up properly.

"Like what?" Merlin said innocently as he set down a tray of food on Arthur's desk and went to fetch his clothes for the day.

"Like that," Arthur responded vaguely as he gestured to Merlin's goofy grin.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Merlin feigned ignorance. "Here put this on," Merlin threw a pile of clothes at Arthur making him scramble to catch it all.

"Just where do you think you're going Merlin," Arthur called out to his manservant. Merlin already had his hand on the door handle ready to leave.

"I'm sorry Sire but I have other duties to attend to today," Merlin shrugged.

"And on whose authority was that," Arthur questioned with a displeased expression.

"King Uther's," Was Merlin's simple reply before he disappeared out the door leaving Arthur to his own devices.

After getting dressed and ready Arthur walked down to the dinning hall where breakfast was waiting for him. It felt strange not having his goofy manservant by his side. He had gotten so used to Merlin being with him all the time that he had forgotten what it was like without him there.

"Ah, my son, how was your sleep?" Uther said as soon as Arthur entered the hall.

"Fine father," Arthur replied though he didn't ask the question in return instead asking one of his own. "Father?"

"Yes Arthur," Uther answered.

"Why did you dismiss my servant from his duties today?"

"Oh my mistake Arthur. I had all of the servants ordered to help with preparations for the gala we will be hosting next week. If you would like I can get you someone else to help you for the week, if you need of course," Uther explained to his son. Arthur didn't need a servant to care for him, he just wanted Merlin back.

"No father I am quite alright. I think I can manage myself for a couple of days," Arthur said with a tight lipped smile.

"If you insist," Uther nodded. The rest of the meal the two continued on talking about the politics of Camelot.

Arthur went the rest of the day without seeing Merlin once. He had even at one point had tried to go to the ballroom where the servants we're setting up hoping to run into him but he had been shooed out before he could. God, why was he like this, it was just Merlin after all.

The next day Arthur awoke to the curtains being drawn back like usual but the thing that woke Arthur was when the biting comment he was so used to hearing never came. Arthur opened his eyes to find someone unfamiliar standing beside his bed.

"Who are you," Arthur asked his voice coming out a little harsher than he had intended.

"My name is Jeffery my lord. I was sent to wake and assist you before resuming my duties in the ballroom. Is there anything you require, shall I help you into your clothes," Jeffery's polite manner seemed to put off Arthur more than Merlin's never ending, unfiltered comments did.

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