Chapter 5

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Thud Thud Thud

"Sire! Sire!" Arthur groaned as he clumsily groped the air. His hands made their way to his head as he clutched it tightly in an attempt to stop the constant thrumming that pounded at his skull.

"Sire please, you need to get up," Arthur's eyes fluttered briefly, trying to adjust to the sudden light he didn't remember seeing before he fell asleep. It was then that Arthur was hit with the memories of the night before. The screams, the shouts, the fear.... the darkness.

Arthur shot to his feet as fast as his body would allow but soon regretting it as his vision stirred and headache increased. Arthur waved the feelings away as another memory creeped into his consciousness. Morgana, she had been taken.

Arthur looked around hoping that he had dreamt it all and that the night's events had only been a nightmare. Arthur's hope was crushed as he surveyed the wrecked room. People we're just starting to wake as knights and servants bustled around in an effort to help. The tables we're all overturned with food and decorations splayed all over the floor of the ballroom.

"Sire?" Arthur turned his head finding Sir Leon standing beside him with a supporting hand on his shoulder.

"Sir Leon, what happened," Arthur asked. Arthur was scared but he had to push his feelings aside for his people needed him.

"We are unsure my lord but these Black Knights, well, I've heard of them before," Sir Leon said his voice strained and shaky.

"What do you mean?"

"In legend the Black Knights of Deorcnes, or darkness, are said to be the immortal army of Dunmer. He was the first sorcerer to be born of dark magic and the root of all evil. Only the purest form of magic can defeat them."

"That is only myth Sir Leon. Do not worry the people with these accusations," Arthur ordered. In truth Arthur didn't know whether or not Sir Leon told the truth but he had to believe that he was mistaken.

"Yes Sire," Sir Leon nodded with a submissive bow before he spoke again, "There is more."

"More?" Arthur said.

"Yes, there are several people missing... the Lady Morgana included."

Arthur of course already knew that but hearing Sir Leon say it aloud ripped something inside of him and he barely contained the tears that threatened to spill out.

"Are there any connections to the missing people? Do we know why they were taken," Arthur asked trying to keep his mind off of his worry for his sister.

"None Sire, their kidnappings make little sense as most of the missing persons are normal citizens of Camelot and no one of real importance. Well, aside from the lady Morgana and Lady Kara of Circe's kingdom. The lower town was also raided last night and our men are still trying to put out the fires as we speak. It is hard to tell how many are missing or hurt," Sir Leon stated gravely.

"Where is my father," Arthur questioned trying to look past the disappearances as something he could not take care of at the moment.

"In his chambers, we took him there for protection. He is still unconscious but thankfully unharmed."

"Good, help to aide the people in any way you can. I will be back as soon," Sir Leon bowed before turning to go help a newly awoken person nearby.

Arthur knew that his first priority should be to look after his father but Sir Leon's words worried him. Sir Leon had said the disappearances we're random meaning that Arthur's own manservant may have been taken during the night. Arthur could imagine Merlin's frightened face covered in blood and dirt as the dark cloaked men dragged him away. Arthur couldn't help the tightening he felt in his chest nor the raggedness of his breaths as he began to worry about his poor manservant. Arthur combed the ballroom hoping to find Merlin's sleeping form amidst the sea of bodies lying on the floor. When Arthur could not find him his panic increased.

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