Chapter 10

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A/N: Hello Lovelies, I'm back! Sorry it took so long for me to update I promise to post the next chapter quicker. Anywho, hope you enjoy and feel free to comment and like. Happy reading!

"Who are you," Arthur demanded, pointing his sword at the man.

"I am Gethred, a sorcerer," At that Arthur quickly rushed forward, followed by the rest of the people in his group. Gethred held up a hand, his eyes glowing a deep red as vines came up from the ground to entangle themselves with the fast approaching party. With similar grunts, all four men became plastered to the nearest two trees. Leon and Arthur on one and Gwaine and Merlin on the other. As if he had never been interrupted the newly discovered sorcerer, Gethred continued speaking, "Keeper of the sword in the stone."

"You guard the stone?" Arthur grunted out as the vines began to suffocate him along his waist.

"Yes," The sorcerer, Gethred spoke with a dark laugh, "It is my punishment. I have been bonded to this site since the beginning of kings so that I may one day gift the once and future king with the power to defeat the darkness."

"The deorcnes," Leon stated in understanding. Gethred turned on the knight and nodded.

"That and many other things. Only something of pure magic can kill the darkness that lies inside the deorcnes," Gethred responded, "The only thing the sword cannot kill is something that is pure of heart."

"Your punishment," Merlin spoke up with confusion lacing his voice.

"What did you say..." The sorcerer trailed off, walking over to Merlin with a deeply drawn brow and calculating gaze. "Interesting..."

"What is," Merlin asked cautiously, not liking the way the scarred sorcerer's glare seemed to pierce through him.

Gethred snapped back into focus and away from his thoughts. "Not yet," he muttered to himself.

"I'm sorry, what?" Merlin said.

"My punishment, you asked why I had said my punishment," Gethred said.

"Yes?" Merlin answered, allowing the man to change the subject.

"I was sentenced to live out my life here, guarding the stone, until the future king rose to claim it," Gethred explained, "It is only then may I be able to leave to the spirit world and claim my rest."

"Why were you sentenced here," Merlin asked.

"What'd ya do," Gwaine asked with a devious smirk. Merlin elbowed Gwaine in the shoulder since it was the only part of him he could reach and Gethred shot him a glare of pure death.

"That is nothing I have to tell to the likes of you mortal men," Gethred spat into Gwaine's face. Gethred then turned on Merlin giving him a burning look, "Well, most of you anyway."

Merlin's eyes widened in terror but Gethred turned away and stalked off so that he was now standing nose to nose with Arthur. Merlin and Gwaine we're the only ones to hear Gethred's last claim.

"So Arthur Pendragon," Gethred smiled a rotten, dark smile. "Would you like to hear a story?"

"About what," Arthur said cautiously as he leaned his head away from the sorcerer's close face until he was fully pressed up against the tree.

"You," The sorcerer replied, breaking out into a gruesome cackle that sent a chill down Arthur's spine.


Morgana looked out over the castle wall and out into the fields before her. She was starting to second guess herself. Was she really doing the right thing? Sure, she wanted to see Uther pay for the monster that he was but did she really want to see the suffering of Camelot's people, her people? Though the circumstances as to how she had ended up in Camelot were shameful that didn't mean it hadn't become her home. She had friends in Camelot. Arthur... she was torn, between the knowledge she now had and the feelings she thought she had.

My Guardian AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora