Chapter 11

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers!! Oh my god, I am so sorry it's taken me so long to update. I promise the next chapter will come out sooner than this one did. Also, this chapter is a bit of a filler for all of the excitement coming up next. Enjoy ;)

- Your Favorite Author

(P.S. Also be sure to check out my other work, multifandom one-shots collection, if you like this)

"Come on Merlin, do keep up," Arthur called back to his servant who seemed to be struggling under the large load of bags he was currently carrying.

"I'm trying," Merlin grunted back, "Who's bright idea- eck- was it - ugh- to leave the horse- oof."

"Merlin," Arthur said, spinning around to fix his manservant with a disapproving look.

"Hey mate, maybe you should give Merlin a break," Gwaine cut in, "He's been lugging those heavy bags around all day."

Arthur gave Gwaine an incredulous look as if he couldn't possibly fathom why this commoner dared speak to him in such a way.

"He's right Sire," This time it was Sir Leon to speak up. "We've had a long day's journey. Some rest would do all of us some good."

Arthur stood still for a moment before responding, "Just a little more, then we rest."

"But we've been going all day," Gwaine started to complain.

"No," Merlin said, surprising the rest of the members of their small group, "Arthur's right. Just a little farther, we can rest once we reach the mountain pass."


"Longer we take the longer my people perish," Arthur said with a hardness that only a true king possessed. "We keep moving." The authority in his voice left no room for argument.

The rest of their journey was completed in silence. Well, mostly silence, Gwaine's constant chatter being the exception though no one paid him any mind.

"We camp here," Arthur said, "I'll keep first watch."

It didn't long for Leon and Gwaine to fall asleep leaving only Merlin and Arthur left awake.

"You should rest, Merlin," Arthur insisted quietly so as not to wake the others. "You've had a long day."

"Yeah," Merlin laughed bitterly, "Thanks for that."

Arthur looked slightly hurt for a moment before he stowed the emotion away and removed any trace of it from his face.

"You're right," Arthur confessed, "I'm sorry if I was being insensitive today. I shouldn't have made you carry all our things, especially for the whole day."

"Thank you," Merlin said. After a beat of silence, he spoke up again. "Do you think- I mean- you don't."

"Don't what," Arthur prodded.

"Camelot," Merlin said, "The people aren't perishing... are they? Not yet at least, right?"

Arthur sighed sadly, "I don't know Merlin. I'd like to hope the Deocrnes' army hasn't reached Camelot yet but..."

Merlin sucked in a sharp breath. Arthur looked on helplessly as he watched Merlin's pain and worry creep into the features of his usual cheery and impish face. Even his actions gave off waves of misery. From the way, he nervously fiddled with a patch of dirt beside him and the way his hands shook slightly to the way his breaths came out as quiet but uneven.

"Merlin," Arthur started, not knowing how to finish. Not knowing how to give comfort to his friend when he couldn't even provide any to himself.

"I'm worried about everyone back in Camelot as well," Arthur confessed suddenly, "Morgana especially... she's always been like a sister to me and if she were to... I'd never forgive myself."

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