Chapter 9

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AN: So this is my first ever author's note. I just wanted to let you guys know that this is my last pre-written chapter so my updates might take a little longer from now on. Just bear with me and PLEASE keep reading. Thank you, Lovelies!  Enjoy this next chapter, it's a doozie! ;) 

Arthur and the rest of the party went crashing to the ground at the flash of the fairy's eyes. The only one left standing was Merlin. Merlin quickly rushed over to Arthur who was nearest to him. Bending over Arthur's now limp figure Merlin was glad to find a steady pulse and a rise and fall to Arthur's chest. Not dead thankfully, well, not yet.

"Do not worry young warlock, your prince is fine. As is the rest of your party," The fairy assured him.

"Wha- What did you do to them," Merlin asked. The fairy's words gave Merlin no comfort and the blatant addressing of his magic made his worrying amplify. How had the fairy known who he was?

As if reading his thoughts the fairy replied, "There is no reason for suspicion, Emrys. I only put your friends to sleep, so that we could speak freely."

When the fairy saw Merlin was still wary she continued, "As I have already told you, my name Iradesa, keeper of the Cascades. I come in peace and only wish to serve the great warlock, Emrys, and his once and future king, Arthur Pendragon. I have long awaited your arrival, Emrys.

Merlin finally drew himself up and spoke, "You said you wished to speak to me freely." The fairy, Iradesa, nodded. "Then speak."

"What Arthur saw, among other visions, was the vision of the sword in the stone. Have you heard of it?"

Merlin thought back to the legends Gaius had told him. "Yes," Merlin replied. "Excalibur, the sword in the stone. It's said to be forged through a dragon's breath, able to kill anything."

Iradesa nodded again, encouraging him to continue, "Does that mean that it can kill the Deorcnes?"

"Yes," Iradesa smiled, "And I will give you it's location but first I offer up a warning."

"A warning?"

"Yes, the path ahead will not be easy, Emrys. Arthur will need your help, only with you by his side can he hope to defeat this enemy. Whatever the cost you must save Camelot. Do you understand?"

Merlin gulped and nodded once. This seemed to satisfy the fairy for she gave him a smile and nod back. Then, Merlin's world turned black as he found himself tumbling to the ground.


On the third day, Morgana was dragged out of her cell by two burly soldiers. They dragged her up to the throne room before dumping her on the floor. Morgana's whole body ached and her stomach clenched. Sleeping on the cell's floor had created a plethora of aches throughout her body. She was also suffering from dehydration and starvation as the only food she had received had been moldy bits of bread. The water she had been given was also warm and tepid and had left a metallic taste in her mouth.

A cool voice broke through the self-pitying thoughts of Morgana. "Hello my dear sister," Elaine greeted with a pleasant smile that made Morgana want to tear her to shreds.

"Don't call me that, you are no sister of mine," Morgana spat out angrily. Over the course of the past few days, Elaine had visited Morgana's cell in hopes of persuading Morgana in the fight against Camelot. Every time Morgana had colorfully refused. Maybe this time she'll try and torture an acceptance out of me, Morgana thought ruefully.

What happened next was nowhere close to what Morgana had theorized. Instead of brute force and annoyance at Morgana's noncompliance, Elaine was gentle and understanding. She wore a sympathetic face as if addressing an ignorant child.

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