Chapter 16//Part 1

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A/N: Oh my lord! I never meant for it to take this long to update! Honestly, I have no excuse. Tonight I finally had had enough and decided to not wait for inspiration to hit me and to just start writing. I'm actually pretty happy with how this turned out and I wanted to leave you guys with a fun little cliff hanger so I'll post these four pages first. I actually might post the second part of the chapter tonight as well. If not tonight then soon, I promise. And I also promise to post more frequently I know you guys have been dying for me to finish the book already. Anyways, thanks for waiting, my lovely readers, hope you enjoy and as always make sure to like and comment. I'm always open to your feedback. Enjoy! ;)

- love

your favorite author


Morgana tumbled seamlessly to the ground right before Arthur's very eyes. Her scream vibrated through his very bones and tore at his heart. The pain came off of her in waves and Arthur was clueless as to what had just happened.

"She's gone. No, no, no she can't be gone, she can't!" Morgana murmured.

Morgana's maddened mumblings only served to confuse Arthur even more.

"Morgana what-"

"Don't," Morgana said suddenly, head snapping up as she stood and met Arthur's questioning gaze with a glare of her own.

"I don't-"

"You have ruined my life, Arthur!" Morgana screamed, "And now I'm going to end yours." Morgana charged toward Arthur with a vengeance.

"Morgana, I don't know what you're talking about!" Arthur yelled back as he took several steps back from the charging woman.

"She's dead, Elaine is dead!" Morgana shouted, "You must have something to do with it. You and your dumb posey. Now! Now I'm all alone again."

"Look," Arthur stated calmly, his hand stretched out in front of him as if he were trying to calm a wild animal, "I don't know what happened to Elaine. The one thing I do know is that you've never been alone, ever."

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean," Morgana spat back, "Don't you dare try to tell me you were there for me because-"

"Actually I was, I was there for you, Morgana!" Arthur burst out in outrage, storming up to Morgana until the two were toe to toe. Both Pendragon siblings stared at one another with jaws locked tight and knuckles white. Morgana was silently fuming while Arthur took deep inhales through his nose, trying to calm his nerves.

"I was there for you, Morgana," Arthur said, taking a deep breath through his nose, eyes closed. "Do you remember when you came to me about your suspicions? How you said that maybe, just maybe, you might have magic. Do you remember what I said to you, huh?"

Morgana gaped, for once not having an answer.

"I said we would figure it out, together," Arthur stated.

"No," Morgana snapped suddenly, "I'm pretty sure your exact words were fix, you wanted to fix me. Well guess what Arthur, I like who I am and I'm not going to change that. Not for anyone and not for you."

"I know that," Arthur spoke calmly, "I wouldn't want you to change. Morgana, you were scared and lonely and I was there for you don't dismiss that just because you now suddenly aren't comfortable with the way I worded things. Yes, I'm sorry to have made you feel that way but Morgana, come on. You're my sister."

Morgana's face suddenly hardened. "And you're my enemy."

Morgana's eyes suddenly flickered except they weren't the same golden hue of Merlin's magic that Arthur had begun to get used to. No, this was a darker kind of magic. It glowed a brilliant purple like a fire that couldn't be put out. The only problem was: it was eating Morgana alive. Arthur could see it's effects on her and he knew that if he didn't do something to stop it things would only get worse.

Arthur rapid-fire thoughts were interrupted by his back slamming into the wall behind him. He hadn't even noticed that the magic Morgana used had cast him back.

Arthur grunted in pain as he struggled to stand, staggering forward as he did so.

"Morgana, please, listen to me," Arthur groaned, taking another step forward only to fall back into the wall behind him due to the blinding pain in his side.

"No," Morgana ground out, "You listen to me, Arthur. Camelot has had its fair share of the Pendragon Dynasty. It is time a new ruler comes to power.

"Why do you hate me so much, Morgana? I thought I was your brother."

Morgana growled, "You're no brother of mine!"

"But I am!" Arthur retaliated, "You're my sister!"

"Stop saying that!"

Morgana threw up her hands, causing a fallen piece of ceiling to go hurling in Arthur's direction. Luckily, the wounded Arthur still had enough agility left to dodge the large chunk of rock just in time.

"No, I won't. You know why? Because it's the truth!"

Morgana screeched, hurling another rock through the air.

"You know something, Morgana. You talk about not changing who you are and wanting to be accepted yet how can anyone accept you if you can't even accept yourself?"

Morgana cried out in outrage, hurling yet another rock at Arthur. This time it hit its mark. Arthur stumbled back in surprise as his right shoulder took the brunt of the weight, making him go crashing down.

"Morgana, please, don't do this," Arthur called out weakly as Morgana stalked over to him. "It doesn't have to be like this. I still need you, I need my sister."

At this point Arthur was on the verge of tears, choking back any emotion he had so that he could finish his last plea. He shook his head slightly as he stared up at the woman he called his sister. The same woman that was about to end his life.

"Please," Arthur spoke hoarsely.

Morgana's facade fell, if only for a second. In that short moment, she almost looked apologetic, as if she had suddenly awakened from a trance and realized what she was about to do. Right then, right there, Arthur started to see his sister again.

"Arthur I-"

Suddenly the doors burst open, making both Pendragon children turn their attention to the new arrival. That person happened to be, none other than, Uther Pendragon.

"Get away from my son you witch!" 

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