Chapter 15

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A/N: Alright my lovely readers! Here it is,  the moment you've been waiting for... I've updated. Next chapter is coming soon! Enjoy ;)

P.S. If you already read, please re-read the chapter I changed a few things

- Love

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Merlin raced through the castle halls. He had to figure out a way to stop the knights. Gaius had been sure that no magic could kill them but Arthur's sword had so maybe he could find a way too. He had to try, Arthur was counting on him.

That was the thing. Arthur had seemed so sure that everything was going to work out. When Arthur had last spoken to him Merlin had been sure that Arthur was trying to convey a hidden message but Merlin couldn't interpret it in the slightest. In all honesty, Merlin never really understood what Arthur was trying to say let alone when he was being subtle about it.

Merlin could remember all those hunting trips they went on together. Arthur would always give Merlin signals for when to be quiet or stop moving but Merlin being Merlin never understood. He would always keep trampling loudly and end up scaring off the animals.

Course most the time he was trying to scare off the animals. The less Arthur caught the more that lived and that was a win in Merlin's book, no matter how annoyed Arthur tended to get.

Merlin smiled faintly as he ran. That was until he spotted someone walks past him in a side corridor. Merlin's smile quickly fell off his face as he raced after the mysterious figure. No sane person would dare leave their confines with the knights roaming the halls. It didn't matter who you were the knights were trained for one thing and one thing only, to maim, kill, subdue, or capture.

Well, so like, four things, but still, none of that sounded any good to Merlin. 'Yet here I am,' Merlin thought to himself.

Merlin's inner monologue was quickly cut off when he turned down a corridor and something hard made contact with his head.

Merlin collided with the floor as stars began to dance across his vision. As Merlin fought consciousness he saw a figure standing over him. He didn't know her but she looked familiar to him for some reason.

It was only in his last moment of consciousness that Merlin realized how he knew the woman. He had seen her with Morgana on several occasions, most noticeably at the ball right before Camelot went sideways. What was she doing here?

And then his world went dark.


Arthur lead Gwaine and Leon as he charged any opposing knights who tried to stand in their path. While Leon and Gwaine could not kill the knights they made for a nice distraction and made sure to protect Arthur from any oncoming blows that he couldn't deflect on his own.

They had about cleared the way to the throne room when Gwaine and Leon were suddenly thrown against the wall by an unforeseen force.

"Who's there," Arthur shouted. He whirled around and spotted a dark form. The figure quietly passed behind the knight's backs and entered the throne room.

Arthur roared, charging through the leftover knights and bursting through into the throne room. As soon as he crossed the threshold the large, oak doors clanged shut behind him. It was then he realized how hopelessly alone he was. No Gwaine, No Leon. And for once, No Merlin.


Arthur froze. "Morgana?"

His whole world seemed to come crashing down for not the first or second, but the third time in the last few days. First, he lost his kingdom. Then, he lost his best friend. Now, he is looking into the face of the enemy and comes to find it is the girl he's always considered a sister. No, she is his sister, in every sense of the word.

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