Chapter 14

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A/N: Sooooo sorry for the long break. I'll try harder to make the updates more frequent but no promises! Anyways, your comments and likes really help keep the motivation going so thanks a bunch my lovely readers and I hope you enjoy this next addition. Only a few more chapters left to go, Woohoo!!

Also P.S. - Since I just finished writing this chapter about two minutes ago I haven't really had time to re-read it so please excuse any grammar or plot errors.


- Your Favorite Author

Merlin fidgeted in his seat. Arthur should have been back by now. What had he even had to talk about with Sarah? Did he know about- no, he couldn't have. Arthur could never find out about Merlin, it would ruin everything. Merlin would do anything not to see that day come.

"Arthur," Gwaine's exclamation drew Merlin out of his thoughts.

"Are you ready to go, Sire," Leon asked as Arthur approached them.

"Yes," Arthur said curtly, his features drawing out into a tight smile that did not look well on him.

"Are you alright?" Leon said, brow creasing as he must have noticed the same tightness in Arthur's features that Merlin had.

Merlin could have sworn he saw Arthur cast a quick glance at Merlin but by the time it registered Arthur was already looking back at Leon, "Fine, now let's get moving. Camelot has waited long enough."

"As you wish, Sire," Leon nodded. The four mounted their respective horses filled with enough provisions to last them the journey back to Camelot.

"To Camelot," Arthur muttered.

"To Camelot," Merlin whispered to himself. Arthur's head snapped towards Merlin alerting Merlin that he had heard him. Usually, Merlin would make an antagonizing comment right about now but the way that Arthur's gaze was boring into him he suddenly felt unease settle throughout his whole body. His throat seemed to close up under Arthur's gaze. Merlin gulped, reminding himself to breathe slowly. Arthur was just worried about Camelot, that's all.

Merlin drew his gaze back to the scenery as they rode on. Though he didn't look back at Arthur after that Merlin couldn't help but feel that the prince's eyes were still on him. With that in mind, Merlin started to wonder if Camelot's safety was the only thing bothering the young prince, or if there was something more.


"Morgana dear," Elaine called out to her from her father - no, Uther's - throne. Morgana's eyes snapped up from their fixated gaze on the floor. Elaine gestured to the throne beside her. "Sit," she said.

Morgana steadily walked up to the foot of the throne. The one beside her sister. Turning swiftly Morgana lowered herself into the throne. With her eyes now facing the rest of the room, Morgana was able to survey the masses that had gathered in front of them.

Camelot had fallen quickly with the Black Knights at their side. Yet, victory was not theirs, not until the Pendragon Dynasty ended.

Morgana's cool exterior never wavered as she looked upon her cowering subjects. She was not used to them looking at her with fear but Elaine had already warned her this would happen. Camelot's people would never accept her, not when she had magic. It was a small price to pay though, for the victory they would earn once the kingdom was in their grasp. It was almost theirs, Morgana was so close she could feel it.

"Bring him," Morgana commanded, the coldness of her own voice seemed to almost startle herself. No, she thought, I am doing what needs to be done. These people are not my friends, they would see me burned at the stake for who I am. Elaine is the only one who will ever accept me.

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