Chapter 8

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When Morgana had reawakened she found herself locked in what looked to be a castle cell. The waning light outside told her that she had slept through yet another day. She had not seen anyone since the first day when Elaine had visited her with her cryptic speech.

Morgana was starting to lose her patience as she regained the strength she had lost the night she was taken. It probably also had something to do with the food that had been left for her just outside the cell door where she could get to it. At first, she had been distrustful of the food but she soon caved when she felt unable to handle the lack of food any longer. It was nothing like anything she had ever eaten in Camelot, but quite similar to what she had had during her short visit to Ealdor sometime last year.

Morgana was just about to try and pick the cell lock with one of her bobby pins when she heard voices coming from further down the hall.

"-right. If we do it will be worth it," It was Lady Elaine's voice.

"And what if the girl does not comply? What if she refuses?"

"She will listen to her sister," Elaine replied to the voice. Morgana was baffled by the exchange since she had only received the tail end of it but she before she could ponder any longer both Elaine and the unknown stranger came into view.

Elaine was wearing a different dress than the one she had worn the last time and she was now wearing a simple golden wreath around her head. Later Morgana realized it was not a wreath but instead a royal crown. This confused Morgana further since she had thought Elaine was a Lady of the court rather than a princess.

The second person was a tall bald man dressed in knight's chainmail and armor. The man stood largely and looming like a vast shadow smiting out all light. His face was marred with battle scars and never strayed from its unrelenting scowl. His rough voice matched perfectly with his appearance as well.

"Elaine?" Morgana tried to keep the fear from showing in her voice. Remembering how Uther taught her to maintain a calm facade even when faced with extreme emotion.

"Kilo leave us," Elaine ordered. The stranger gave a sideways glance to Morgana before bowing to Elaine and walking out of view from Morgana. It wasn't until the sound of his boots faded did Morgana decide to speak.

"What is going on? Who was that man?"

"Oh Morgana dear, there's no need to be afraid. You have been saved," Elaine announced with a sweet smile.

"I am in a jail cell. You call that saving?" Morgana deadpanned. Though Elaine's words were kind they felt wrong in every sense and only caused a deep unease to settle in Morgana.

"Oh look at you, so lost, so ignorant," Elaine cooed while gripping the bars of the cell door. "But there is no reason to fear because I have saved you. I will bring you into the light, my dear Morgana."

This person was not the Elaine Morgana had met in Camelot. This person was much more dangerous than her pretty words let on.

"What are you talking about Elaine? What aren't you telling me?" Morgana questioned trying to keep a steady voice.

"Magic," Elaine stated plainly. "The most powerful magic you have ever tasted Morgana. It can be yours. You can be the bane of Camelot's misdeeds."

"No! Magic- magic is..." Morgana didn't know what she thought magic was. Did she really believe Uther's harsh words about the tortures of sorcery? The conflict was too much and had Morgana backing into the corner of her cell and falling into a crouch. Her hands unconsciously wrapped around her torso in a self-hug as if it could protect her.

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