Chapter 7

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"We should rest here, Sire," Leon said to Arthur as he saw the sun starting to set, changing the sky to a dark red color.

"I told you before Leon," Arthur said. "You come with me on this quest as a friend and fellow knight, you will call me Arthur."

"Yes, Arthur," Leon replied preparing to bow before hastily correcting himself. "Then as your friend I suggest we make camp here tonight. It will be dark soon."

"Just a little farther," Arthur contradicted. Leon shot him a look that made Arthur sigh from atop his horse. "Please Leon."

"You're worried about your manservant," Leon stated.

"Merlin," Arthur corrected him without thinking.

"You are worried about Merlin," Leon restated.

"No," Arthur objected quickly, "But the idiot won't last more than a day out here alone so if he we don't find him soon I fear I may be in need of a new manservant."

"So you are worried," Leon said looking at him strangely.

"What? No," Arthur denied. "I just would rather not have to find another manservant."

"Sure," Leon said but Arthur could see he was still not convinced.

"Just past the next ridge," Arthur pointed, "Then we'll stop."

"If you insist, Arthur."


It was only their second day of their journey and Merlin was about ready to throw Gwaine off the nearest cliff, or just jump himself.

"Merlin," Gwaine sang out.

"What now Gwaine," Merlin asked exasperatedly. Merlin had been listening to Gwaine prattle on and on for the last several hours and he was starting to regret letting him tag along.

"I need a bathroom break," Gwaine announced.

"Again," Merlin was starting to get peeved by Gwaine's incessant bladder issues. "You just went not even an hour ago."

"It's all the ale," Gwaine declared before staggering off. Merlin could only shake his head as the man disappeared behind a patch of trees. Though Gwaine was a pain in the backside at times, Merlin still found the man entertaining to be around.

"Alright," Merlin called out to Gwaine, "I'll just wait here then."

Suddenly Merlin heard a rustling from the bushes. He whipped around with his hands raised. Merlin could feel his magic pulsing beneath the edges of his skin, prepared to strike at the unseen threat. What happened next was anything but what Merlin had expected.

The Great Prince Arthur burst from the bushes which he had come from making Merlin's magic calm and sizzle out. Only seconds later did Merlin see that Arthur was not alone as Leon emerged from the bushes from behind his prince.

"Arthur!" Merlin cried out, a gleeful grin spreading across his face. Arthur's head whipped up at the sound of his manservant. Arthur's eyes widened upon realizing that it was indeed Merlin who had called out to him.

"Merlin?" Arthur said in return looking equally surprised to have stumbled upon his manservant. Though he tried not to show it Arthur was secretly pleased to have found Merlin and thankfully unharmed as well.

"What are you doing here, Arthur," Merlin asked him, his features turning from one of relief to one of confusion. "I thought you were against the quest."

"Yes, well I couldn't exactly have my manservant taking all the glory for himself now could I," Arthur asked with a slight smirk making Merlin smile.

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