Chapter 16 - Part 2

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A/N: Eek, its been months, I know! I am so sorry but the book is almost over so hopefully, I can finish it for you guys soon. I can't believe I'm already over 11K! I really appreciate you guys so much! Anyways, happy reading, please like, comment and, share this with your friends. Hope you enjoy lovelies!!  ;)


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P.S. I know its short, bear with me


"Please," Arthur spoke hoarsely.

Morgana's facade fell, if only for a second. In that short moment, she almost looked apologetic, as if she had suddenly awakened from a trance and realized what she was about to do. Right then, right there, Arthur started to see his sister again.

"Arthur I-"

Suddenly the doors burst making both Pendragon children turn their attention to the new arrival. That person happened to be, none other than, Uther Pendragon.

"Get away from my son you witch!" 

Part Two:

Morgana's sympathetic features curled back up into a sneer at the sight of Uther. Arthur ignored Uther's presence completely, only staring up at the woman whom he loved so much. To see her hurting like this - because yes he could see how much those cruel words had hurt her - nearly killed him inside.

Suddenly Arthur's empathy for Morgana turned into a rage for Uther. Uther, his own father. Arthur couldn't even look at the man. All these years, standing by his father's side, Arthur had only ever wanted to please him yet it had never been enough. He had never felt as though he had won Uther's praise and now he knew why.

How can you make a man without a heart truly happy?

The answer is you can't. Arthur had never seen it before but now it was clear as day. Uther wanted someone like him. Someone who was greedy, abusive, and cruel. Someone who would put his own needs above all others. In Arthur's mind that was no definition of a king.

Looking back at all the times Arthur had disappointed his father he realized it had always been when Arthur had shown "too much" compassion for his people, putting his people's needs before his own. Uther had always talked about "The Greater Good" but now Arthur could see the truth. When Uther had talked about seeing the bigger picture he was really just looking out for himself. It was never about the people, or the kingdom, or even duty. It was about himself because deep down Uther was a selfish man

And selfish men should not be kings.

"Father stop," Arthur commanded as he slowly rose from his spot against the wall.

"Arthur," Uther said in bewilderment, "I'm doing this for you."

Arthur almost laughed at the lie.

"No," Arthur said smoothly, "You're doing it for you."

Uther straightened his back, staring down Arthur with a glare that could kill. Suddenly Uther's demeanor changed as he switched his gaze from Arthur over to Morgana.

"You're doing this, aren't you? You cast a spell on him!"

"No, she didn't... Uther."

"I am your father! Show me some respect!"

"You're no father of mine," Arthur spat.

Uther looked completely outraged. He finally seemed to be accepting that this truly was Arthur's own will. No trickery and no slippery magic tricks, just one son turning on his father.

Uther's face smoothed, a determination blazing in his eyes.

"Fine," Uther spoke slowly, "You've chosen your side."


Merlin was still shaking from his ordeal with Elaine but he pushed aside his inner turmoil, Arthur needed him. Merlin still carried the sword used against Elaine as it had the power to destroy the knights.

Merlin used this to his advantage as he struck and slashed through any opponent on his way to Arthur. Merlin knew he would be in the throne room, he had heard the scream. The scream was Morgana's which meant she and Arthur must be in danger.

Merlin grew more and more nervous the closer he got to the throne room. There were bodies scattered on the ground, some of Camelot's own knights, other peasants Merlin could scarcely remember in passing. He hadn't seen any familiar faces amongst the bodies yet but he also hadn't seen any live faces either. Hopefully, everyone was safe and in hiding.

Merlin's nerves were just starting to calm after not seeing any dark knights for a couple of hallway lengths when he suddenly heard the sounds of fighting. The clanging of two swords together, to be exact.

Merlin's pulse quickened once more and he hastened his pace towards the noises.

Another corner's turn and Merlin could see the entrance to the throne room. The doors swung open wide and piles of rubble lying just outside the entrance. The battle noises seemed to be coming from inside the throne room.

Merlin sped into the fray and was caught by surprise at the scene before him.

Uther and Arthur were battling each other, sword against sword while Morgana looked on with a vicious smile. It was all a blur for Merlin as he watched the scene unfold before him.

Arthur had just about gotten the upper hand on Uther forcing him down with the blade of his sword when Uther amassed the rest of his strength and threw Arthur into the wall.

"I will not let you ruin my legacy!" Uther stalked up to an already weakened Arthur ready to strike when an unexpected force stepped in.


Just before Uther could land the final blow on his only son both Merlin and Morgana stepped in front of Arthur at the same time. Their collective shouts radiated throughout the castle as a blinding color of gold and purple magic shot out to protect Arthur.

The whole room went up in purple and gold flames in one massive explosion of light. Arthur covered his face with a hand, just through the cracks of his fingers, Arthur could see Merlin and Morgana's figures shielding him from the fire as it licked at their bodies without any effect.

The sight was both overwhelming and one of the most beautiful things Arthur had ever seen. Several moments later the flames dulled before disappearing entirely leaving just the three of them and a burnt, scorch mark on the chamber floor in front of them.

When the last of the light had faded from the room both Merlin and Morgana collapsed to the ground.

It was over, they had won. The dark knights had died along with their master and Morgana was home again. But more importantly, Camelot had ridden itself of entirely different and even more dangerous foe, Uther Pendragon.

These were Merlin's last thoughts as he sank into an exhaustion induced sleep. His only worry now was what would come of him now that Arthur knew the truth.

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