Chapter 13

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A/N:  AHHH! I'm so proud of myself for updating so quickly. I'm really excited to hear what y'all think so please comment I would appreciate the feedback. This one's kind of angsty and a bit short but I like it so... ENJOY;)  Thanks again, my lovely readers! 


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"I just hope, for Camelot's sake that Arthur never discovers your secret. I'm not sure he would be willing to let you save him if he did... Emrys."

Just like that Arthur's thoughts were spinning out of control, his brain firing a million miles an hour. When his mind settled there was only one thought left in Arthur's head.



"Hey Merlin, there you are," Gwaine exclaimed as soon as Merlin broke through the brush and entered the camp. "Have you seen Arthur anywhere?"

"Actually, now that you mention it I haven't seen him since he woke up this morning," Merlin furrowed his brow with worry.

"I'm sure the princess is handling himself just fine, Merlin," Gwaine assure him, giving him a friendly slap on the shoulder and dragging him off towards Leon and a group of druids. Though he wasn't entirely comfortable with them yet, Leon made an effort to be kind to the druids. After living in Camelot for so long it was hard to shake the prejudices away even if these magic users seemed entirely kind and innocent.

"No, it's not that," Merlin shook his head.

"Then what is it?"

"What's wrong?" Leon butt in, excusing himself from the group of druids he'd been chatting with to join the conversation.

"Nothing," Merlin muttered, biting the side of his cheek. "It's just... Arthur seemed extremely tense this morning and, well... after being taught all his life to hate these people I'm just not sure how he will take it."

"True, but Arthur has a good heart. With time he will see that these people mean us no harm," Leon said.

"Yes, but what does that all matter," Merlin said, the emotions he was casting were too much of a whirlwind to decipher. "In the end, he will return to Camelot, to a place where magic is punishable by death and he will forget all about the kindness these people have shown him."

"Whoa hey," Gwaine said in a joking manner, "There's no need to go dark side on us, Merlin."

"I'm sure Arthur will consider every angle before coming to any conclusion, just like he always does," Leon added.

"I suppose," Merlin said sadly, still unconvinced.

"Why are you being like this, Merlin," Gwaine asked.

"Like what?"

"So... lost for hope. Your faith in Arthur has never wavered before so why now," Gwaine pointed out.

Merlin opened his mouth, about to reply by saying that this was the one thing he couldn't hope for. Of course, he still had faith that Arthur would make a great king one day and yes he might be destined to bring magic back to Camelot. But if he was wrong... if this one thing, the thing that he wanted more than anything, never came true...

He couldn't risk hoping. It would kill him. Better to just expect the worst and be wrong than hope for the best and be disappointed.

That's what almost came tumbling out of Merlin's mouth. Instead, Merlin caught himself and said. "I'm just being realistic."

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