Chapter 12

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A/N: Oh my lord I am so sorry! I have been such a train wreck these past couple months and school is a killer. I've had half of this chapter sitting in my google docs since February!!!! Anyways, thanks for sticking with me and I'll try and upload my next chapter sooner. I think there are only going to be about five or so more chapters left of this book though I might make a sequel if y'all want one. Once again sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy. Til next time my lovely readers! Enjoy ;)

- Love

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"Has he woken yet?"

"No, but he should be soon. The spell Archdruid Sarah cast will be wearing."

"Why is his highness taking so long? Gwaine and I woke hours ago."

"I don't know."

"How do you think Arthur will take all of this?"

"I don't know... now scram and get yourself some food or something. You're starting to cramp up the tent."

There was the sound of retreating footsteps, a long sigh, then nothing. This was what Arthur woke to. At first, he felt dazed and unable to move. Once he gained feeling in his limbs again Arthur opened his eyes, letting them roam around the scene before him.

He seemed to be in a tent-like structure with various household things like a wicker chair and a beautifully decorated dresser. That's when Arthur registered that there was a person sitting in the chair at his bedside. The person being none other than his oaf of a servant, Merlin.

"Merlin?" Arthur said, his voice coming out in a raspy tone from lack of use.

Merlin, who had previously been deep in thought, jumped suddenly and gave a surprised yelp. "Arthur, you're awake!"

"Remarkable," Arthur deadpanned, "Really, quite splendid observation, Merlin."

"I- um.. Why don't I fetch you some breakfast, yeah?"

"Merlin, why are you acting so strange - well, stranger," Arthur asked, "And where are we?"

"Nothing, nowhere," Merlin said quickly trying to scamper out of the tent as quickly as possible. Sadly, he was not quick enough.

"Merlin," Arthur said to his manservant again making Merlin turn to face him.

"Yes?" Merlin tried to say innocently but it only caused the young prince further suspicion.

"Where are we," Arthur asked again, this time with more demand.

"A druid camp," Merlin confessed.

"A drui-mmhpmfth," Arthur's cry was cut off by Merlin's hand which had shot out to cover the prince's mouth as soon as he heard his protests.

"Please Arthur, don't freak out," Merlin pleaded, "These are good people, they won't hurt us. I was able to negotiate with the Archdruid and they've given us food and shelter for the past day and a half while you and the others were out."

Arthur roughly shoved away Merlin's hand with a hateful glare. "You? You reasoned with the druids?"

Merlin nodded.

"And they have given us permission to camp here and use their resources?"

Another nod from Merlin.

"Wait, a day and a half!"


"Merlin! We have to get to Camelot!"

"I know, I know, and we will but we were running out of options and supplies. You're no good to Camelot if you're half-dead," Merlin argued.

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