The Lion King

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I am babysitting tonight, it's my sister, Sofi. My parents are on a little something they call date night. I am sitting here watching The Lion King. Honestly it's not bad, I loved The Lion King when I was little, ok so maybe I still like The Lion King. Like who doesn't, it's a good movie.
Then there is a knock, great I was just getting to the good stuff, when they are singing I Just can't wait to be King, and it is like my favorite song. I get up, walk to the door and I see...
I lay in bed, doing nothing it is so boring. The worst part is I can't sleep because I don't know, the girl next door is watching The Lion King, like how old is she. I am not judging or anything but if you are going to watch a baby show, at least keep the volume down. Like no one needs to know you are watching The lion King.
After a few minutes of boredom, I get up walk over to her house and Knock.
I hear a grunt. Like that girl really likes her Disney shows. I look down, and notice I am in my boxers and I am not wearing a shirt. It's fine girls like it when they see guys with no shirt. Right?
I am looking at Ace at my doorstep with NO shirt on.
"Hi, umm what are you doing here?" I ask. Trying not to get distracted.
"Well first starters I can hear the Lion King all the way from my house, and second your bra is cute" he smirks
I look down, and I notice I am in my bra, that goes VERY LOW, you can see my CHEST!
I run and grab a jacket, I put it on, while he is making himself at home.
"So what are you doing here" I ask
"Well I am bored so I am just going to chill here for a little bit"
He makes his way upstairs, and I follow. He walks into my room and sits on the bed.
"So what do you want to do?" I sit in the chair by my desk. Well I made a big mistake, by asking.
He wiggles his Eyebrows. "I don't know, maybe ..."
"WHAT NO!!!"
"You asked me, and I gave you my answer, plus you are in your bra, so there isn't a lot to take off "
I cover my face and silently curse under my breath.
"Ok ok, but someday it will happen"
"Come on you know you want to too, like how can you resist this" flexing his muscles.
Ok so maybe I kinda do, but like he said NO ONE can resist that.
"Anyway I got to go, bye, and don't have you no what with anyone. I want to be the one to take you you know what else away"
"Omg you are such a " but I was cut of my Ace
"Pretty girls like you, should watch you mouth"
He makes his way out. I follow, he opens the front door.
"By the way I have a couple of friends I think you should meet, you need friends anyway, so meet me at my house around 9 in the morning?"
Omg, is this a date, god no, we just met and I am sure he doesn't even like me, but I need friends, school starts next month.
"Sure" trying not to sound to excited.
His face just lights up, or that could just be my imagination.
"Ok see u tomorrow then, bye" he speed off
I walk into the living room and find my sister asleep. I look around, to make sure no one sees me. The coast is clear. I wave my hand and my sisters flys up and into her room. My mom said no magic but she can't see, so it doesn't count.
I walk up into my room and jump in bed, thinking about today.
Somehow Can You Feel the Love tonight starts playing in my head.

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