I love him

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Then he said 3 words. Just three words. It made my heart swell and made me smile.

"I like Ann" he whispers, but I catch it.
I smile, tears blur my vision, I don't think and tackle him to the ground. He looks stunned but hugs me back.
"I like you too" I say, wiping away tears
"Y-you d-do, I thought you were with Zac?" He says
"Zac knew that I liked you, so he helped me make you jealous, since I. Hated that you were with Amelia. sorry" I say looking down at the ground
"I am so sorry Ann, I kissed Amelia because I was jealous of you and Zac, I should have just told you, but of course stupid me decides to ruin everything. I have known for a very long time I liked you, since the day I met you. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me happy Karrianne Vesta" he says
I smile.
"Will you be my girlfriend?, I know this is not the most romantic way to ask someone out but I am not the romance type of guy" he says blushing
I nod
He places his hand on my cheek bringing it up, I look him in the eye, he looks me in the eye. We both lean forward and capture each other's lips.
I smile into the kiss.
When we finally break away. We are both gasping for air.
"Come on, we should get back" he says kissing me on the nose
We walk back hand in hand.
I smile the whole way back.
I sure love him
"So why were you in the bushes" he asks
I blush
"Well I was checking if you were okay,then I hid behind a bush because I didn't want you to see me"
"Well i knew I was impossible to stay away from" he says pretending to flip his fake un-existing hair
"Keep dream pretty boy"
"Oooooo you called me pretty boy"
I roll my eyes and walk faster. My short legs didn't take me very far, since Ace walked like 2 steps and caught up to me
Let's say the whole way back, Ace made many very inappropriate jokes
What can I say, I love my boyfriend
Boyfriend that is my new favorite word.
It makes a smile form on my lips.
Ace and Ann sitting in a tree.
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes a baby in a baby carriage
Best day of my LIFE

Sorry it's short

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