A boner

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I wake up on warm bed. It's a little lumpy but it's warm. It feels like someone's hugging me. It shifts, wait what pillows and beds don't move. Last thing I remember is putting my head of Ace's chest.
Wait Ace
I am on Ace. I screech and pull away, pushing Ace off the bench. He lands with a thump.
"What was that for"
I screech pointing at his boner, that was very visible.
"Jeez woman it's just a boner" he says rubbing his head
"Well that BONER was near my lady parts"
I hear laughing, I see Andrew, Taylor, Emily and Jake laughing their heads off. Zac comes up to me and hands my green tea fappuccino . Yes I am that weird kid that likes green tea.
"So Ann how did you sleep." Jake snickers
"Wait what do you mean, of course I slept great" I say, I love sleep.
"Even if that boner was near your lady parts" Andrew quotes what I say earlier, he says it in a high pitch girl voice
"Omg you are like so lucky, I want to sleep with THE Ace Conner" Ace tries to imitate plastic boob girl. Yes I call her that, what else would you call her.
We all end up on the grass laughing our heads off. I know that from now on these guys will forever be part of my life if I like it or not, and I don't like it.
We spend the rest of the day at the park,it is now 4:00 in the afternoon.
"We should probably start to head home" Andrew suggests
We all nod.
Then the weirdest thing happens. There is like smoke that starts to surround us. When it finally clears, we see
A monster. Someone I used to consider my friend.
"Well well well, Karrianne how you have grown, I haven't seen you in forever"

Hey guys, sorry it's so short, writing is hard. I will try to make my next chapter longer. Key word TRY.
Till next time

Just another FairytaleKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat