Mrs. Piggie

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hey guys this is what Light Wing Academy looks like. Isn't it pretty.

"I am so excited" Taylor squeals
"I know right, we get to go to The Light Wing Academy and work with like the best warriors." I scream at the top of my lungs
"Omg, omg, omg omg omg omg omg omg omg" Emily repeats until Jake slaps his hand over Emily's mouth begging her to shut up.
Emily just giggle and kisses Jake on the cheek.
Jake blushes. So freaking cute.
Not. As cute as Ace. Duh!
"So are we ready to go" Ace ask
We all nod, except for Andrew who is right now trying to move all the bags down stairs.
"Umm why is Andrew caring that all by himself" I ask
"Lost the bet" Jake and Ace say. They are so dumb, don't they know I can pick things up.
I wave my hand and all the objects fly out of Andrew's hand landing at the bottom of the stairs. I look back at the boys and they are speechless. My job here is done.
"I heard that there is a waterfall, is that right" Zac asks me
"Ya, the waterfall has a compartment built into it. It is where they keep the dragons" I say excitedly.
"Wait is it true that it also has a sorting ceremony" Zac asks again
"Yep, you will put your hand on the Sphere of fate and it will determine your house and powers you have. There are 4 houses. They are named after 4 very important gods and goddesses. Wisdom the house of Athena, War the house of Ares, Hunt the house of Artemis and Music the house of Apollo. There are other houses but those are in other schools, all the schools are connected somehow. It says that these house are determined by you soul" I say. My mom was in the house of Athena and my dad the house of Apollo.
"What are the other schools" Ace asks. Like do they not know this
"The diamond Acedmey, the golden academy are just a few. The golden academy has the Zeus, Poseidon and Hades house" I answer. There are many different schools depending on you level of magic. You start off at Light wing academy, then diamond, then golden. The reason why there is no Dark wing academy is because Dark wing is Light wing's enemy they teach there students dark magic. Demon magic.
"Ohhhhhhh" Zac says
He still doesn't get it.
There is a knock at the door. We all stand, Zac goes and opens the door. There are 4 guards standing at the doorway. We all walk outside, the guards take our stuff while we say our goodbyes.
I hug my parents
"I will miss you guys so much" I say
"We are so proud of you Karri-Bear" my dad bawls out. He is always the one that cries. He cries before my mom even and my mom is very emotional. Sofi and I just look at each other. Soft reaches her hand up and slowly pat dad's back, making him cry more.
"Well you bette get going, bye sis" Sofi says. She brings dad back into the house.
"I really am so proud of you, you have grown so much" my mom says hugging me tight.
"I love you mom"
"Love you more" she says kissing my head.
"Bye mom" I say before kissing her on the cheek
"Don't want to keep your friends waiting, bye Karri-Bear" she says kissing my head one last time

We are sitting in a limo, not any limo a PINK limo. Pink, like why pink. We have to be able to go super fast like light in order to be sucked into the portal. This portal is that easy way to travel to different worlds. Once you reach a certain speed you will be sucked into the portal and turned to light for like a second than you are there.
"We are here" the diver shouts
We all get out and the servants take our stuff. We all look around.
"This" Zac starts
"Is"Ace says
"Like" Jake says
"The" Andrew says
"Most"Emily says
"Amazing"Taylor gasp
"Place" I squeal
"EVER" a lady screams
We all turn to see a lady dressed in all pink.
"Welcome, I am Mrs Pinkie" she greets us.
I will call her piggie, since she clearly eats a lot, like not kidding she is eating a WHOLE pumpkin pie as we speak.
"Hello" we all say
"Come on, the ceremony is about to start" we all follow her and her two chubby short legs
We walk into the room and every pair of eyes are on us. There are 7 chairs right in front of the Sphere of Fate. This is scary. I notice that the 4 gods and goddesses are painted above each house.

"Let the Ceremony Begin" a loud voice hollers

Hope I don't die.

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