Time of the month

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Taylor, and Emily are crazy, they decided to that we are going to spend a day in Rowanberry. That is a awful idea since, I have a very annoying and nosy devil living with me, no I am not talking about my sister, I am talking about dear dear Ace. What if he finds out, I can't just leave him at my house alone, my parents and my sister are outta town since my sister has a soccer match. That means I am suck with Ace for 4 days. Great what could go wrong. Like he might burn down my house, no big deal. God why did I agree to this.
"Taylor I really don't think this is a good idea" I say over the phone.
"Come on it will be fun" she says
Ace peaks into my room, and walks in sitting on the bed. He doesn't even care that I am on the freaking phone. Seriously do all boys have brain issues or is that just Ace. Btw if I seem cranky, it's not my fault, my 'best friend' decided to visit. Yay me, we have many wonderful things to look forward to. Cramps, cramps and more cramps. Can't wait.
"Tay, I will call you back" I hang up, not even bothering says bye. I stand up from my chair and walk over to the bed taking a seat.
"What are you doing in my room" I ask
"Just wondering,if you wanted to hang out today, just you and me" he says
Of all days, why today, i really want to hangout with Ace, it would be so cool, like maybe today is the day we become official, god what am I saying, I can't date him. He's human, stupid Ann. I sigh and reply
"Sorry I have plans" I say
"With Tay and Em?" He asks, there is disappointment in his voice, which just breaks my heart, or I might be dreaming.
"Ya" I say, not knowing what else to say
"Well we can hangout tomorrow, okay"
"Sure" my mood swings
He smiles and walks away. He is so cute, no wonder girls like him, he has a beautiful smile. I close the door and walk to my closet, looking at my wardrobe and thinking about Ace, duh.
Okay I am a creepy stalker, when I am on my period. Not my fault, when you get your period you will understand, if you had your period, doesn't it suck. If you are on your period, girl I am sorry, I hope you don't die.
I feel a shock of pain. I fall on the ground and grunt. Another shock, and I hug my knees, trying to get up, but fail badly.
I hear someone running up the stairs. I shut my eyes. I feel warm hands wrap around me and carry me bridal style to my bed.
"Are you okay" Ace asks
I grunt
"What's wrong"
"Period" I answer through pain.
"Oh" that's all he says.
"Get me a heating pack, 2nd drawer in the kitchen" I say
He runs downstairs, I hear the microwave.
I feel him place the heating pack on my stomach. I relax, he starts to rub my stomach, making the pain slowly go away. We say like this for like 5 minutes. When I fanilly sit up, I barely feel the pain.
I smile at Ace, he is so sweet. I feel my eyes get heavier, I lay my head on Ace's shoulder and welcome sleep.
I think this is the best period ever. I am thankful for my period, I know weird but if I wasn't on my period, I would have never end up cuddling with Ace.

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