Plastic plastic and more plastic

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Hey guys, I forgot to show you what Karrianne's house looks like, she calls this LAME, jeez she is hard to impress
Love u, Violet

We got our ice cream and we are currently sitting in the park. Taylor scoots close to me.
"Don't worry, I won't tell but you have to tell him" she says
"I can't he doesn't even like me"
"Girl we are going to have a girl talk tonight"
"Sure what time"
"Meet me at my house at 8" she swipes my phone out of my hand and enters her number. She takes a weird selfie and hands it back.
"Sure, send me your address"
"On it, and tonight you can meet Emily, she is super sweet"
"Cool can't wait"
"You know Ann, I need more girls on my side" she whispers in a low voice
"What do you mean" I ask. Honestly this girl makes no sense.
"Duhhh, how do you think I am friends with Zac and Ace, without falling in love with them" she says like it's the most obvious thing.
"WAIT your" I look at her and lower my voice."gay"
Taylor notices the change in my voice, and burst out laughing.
"Chill Ann, I am open about it, I want everyone to know, it makes me feel unique and special"
"Oh ok, I just didn't want to offend you"
"You didn't, ummmm don't you think that the boys have been gone for a long time, they said they would be back 15 minutes ago" Taylor suddenly sounding worried.
"Let's call them"
Taylor pulls out her phone and dials Zac, (which has a weird selfie, and is labeled ZZ, they would make a cute couple)
Taylor groans. "He is not picking up, when I find him, I will crush his little..., then I will make sure he can't use them ever again, that little... and his ... of a friend, when I find those little... they are DEAD.
I find it best not to say, what she said.

"lets just go find them" I say trying to pull Taylor away before she goes up to the poor kid, she was about to yell at. Lets say I failed very badly. It's not my fault that I am born with noodle arms, and very weak legs. Poor kid.

Taylor goes up to the poor kid, and grabs him by his shirt. getting up all in his face. "where are they"

"I don't know for reals" He stammers

"come on Dominic, you know where they are"

"come on Taylor you know I don't"

"well you have Zac's number call him" Taylor screams in his face, the kid who name is appernetly Dominic, He struggles to reach into his back pocket to get his phone, and when he does it drops on the ground. Taylor drops Dominic and growls as she picks up his phone. He takes it and put the phone to his ear. He signs and his arm drops to his side.

"they didn't pick up, Taylor" He wimpers

"screw them"

i hear a drip, followed by another drip. I follow the sound and it lands on a certain person, on a certain spot.

"god Dominic, you wet yourself, you are a disgrace to us humans" Taylor growls, that girl needs some chill pills.

I notice the spot just keeps getting bigger. Well I know where I should NEVER step foot in. I feel so bad for the grass.

"Come on Tay, the boy is having a bad enough day" I say, trying to drag my friend away from the poor kid, but as usual my weak muscles fail me once again.

"Fine, but you better watch yourself Dominic, and if the boys call, call me" Taylor growls

We watch the poor kid run away, and wrapping his jacket around his waist. His figure becoming smaller and smaller.

"Who is he" I ask as we start to walk

"Zac's brother, tried to hit on me couple years ago, he ended up ripping my shirt in pubic, embarrassing me in front of many people, hated him ever since" she says like its no big deal

"Look, Zac's car" she says pointing at a yellow sports car, God that kid must be pretty rich.

"Wait how old is Zac and Ace"
" Zac is 16, ace is 15 and I am 15" Taylor answers
"I may have made a mistake, I thought Ace was 14" I whisper slightly embarrassed
"Wait really, how old are you"
"When were you born."
"Dec 1 when were you born"
"Aug 7, Ace was born on June 17, and Zac April 10"
"I am going to have to remember that"
"Anyway we are getting off topic, let's go find them"
We walk down a narrow alley, and we are confronted by two very, like VERY skinny girls, they are wearing 3 inch heels with skirts that are way to small and shirts that barely cover their chests.
"Ace and Zac are busy, Taylor you can leave with your flat body and this weirdo over here" the one with brown hair says
"Shut up Kimberly" Taylor snaps back
"You shouldn't be here, your too ugly, you have no curves girl, and your hair is filthy junkyard" the one next to Kimberly says, she has black hair with pink highlights, which by the way looks horrible.
I hate it when my friends get picked on, so I snapped. I couldn't control myself.
"Listen here, you shouldn't pick on her since you aren't any better yourself. Clearly you can't read since all your clothes are the wrong size. You are literally buying clothes that can fit a 7 year old and it makes your plastic boobs look even more fake, and trust me sister, Zac and Ace would NEVER want to be with girls like you." I inch closer to their face and smirk.
"Come on Kylie lets go find Hannah and Rachel" Kimberly says, pulling Kylie. They walk down the alley and we hear whispers.
In a couple of minutes the boys tackle us onto the ground.
When we get up. I get a good look at the guys, they clearly wen through a lot while we were talking
"Where were you guys and whatever you doing with those losers" Taylor crosses her arms
"Well Zac over here got a text from a stranger, which ended being from Rachel, saying that there were free lemonade and cookies here, so we decided to check it out, but then we ran into Rachel and Hannah. They locked us into a building and..." Ace pauses and looks at Zac embarrassed
"We got separated, I was stuck with Rachel and Ace was stuck with Hannah. Let's say they were wearing very interesting 'clothes' " Zac puts quotation marks around the clothes. I try not to imagine what they were wearing
"Is that why you didn't answer our calls" Taylor asked
"Ya, they took our phones, but we got them back" Zac says and waves his phone in our face.
"Anyway, how did you find us" Ace asks
"Well we confronted Dominic" Taylor starts to say, but I interrupt
"Screamed at him, and made him wet his pants, cough cough"
"Shut up" Taylor continues " then we saw Zac's car and walked into Kimberly and Kylie and.."
"They didn't hurt you girls right, because if they did they are so dead" Zac growls and Ace nods
"No worries, Ann here" she hugs me "saved the day by confronting them about their plastic boobs here, oh god it was amazing, wait I recorded the whole thing" Taylor pulls out her phone and plays the recording.
We all end up on the floor and hugging our stomachs.
" that was amazing" Ace says between his laughs, for some reason it sound like a angel, well that is my knew favorite sound.
"Like plastic, plastic and more plastic" Taylor jumps in the air pretending to through roses at us.
This has been the most fun, I have had in a long time. I hope it last.

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