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Here are the outfits they will be wearing

Taylor and Emily are right now chilling at my house, since Taylor's mom said that scumbags aren't welcome to her house. Those scumbags happen to Emily and I. Taylor didn't seem to mind since she hates her mom, so we are at my house getting ready.
"Ummm Ann, we can't go to Rowanberry today, there was a accident in the city next to Rowanberry" She says, looking at me with her sad eyes, I know that she isn't mad about not going to Rowanberry, it's because the city that got attack happens to be
She feels bad for me. I start to pick at my nail. Tears threaten to fall. Emily hugs me. Taylor joins in.
Soon Ace walks into the room with Andrew, Jake, Zac. They don't even know what is going on, but they join the hug. we fanilly break away.
"Why are you cryin" Ace ask
"Period mood swings" Taylor says.
Like really, you had to tell the world I am on my period.
"Oh" that is all they say, like what is with boys.
"Anyway Let's do something fun" Jake says trying to steer conversation away from my period. Good idea Jake.
"Let's go to the mall" Andrew suggest.
"Sure" The girls say.
The boys whine.
"Why!!!" The boys complain
"I like the mall" Andrew replies. That is something I would have never knew about Andrew, he is more of the chill bad boy type.
"There is food" Emily sings, trying to convince them.
"I'm in" they all reply. Boys and food and prefect relationship.
Of course this means we need to find a outfit for the mall. So much work.

When we fanilly get to the mall, we decide that we need food so we head to A Cherry on Top. The ice cream place we went to. Like last time, I can't get over the fact that this place is freaking gorgeous. We order our ice cream, but the thing that just doesn't sit right with me is that. Zac is eating vanilla, he is eating 2 scoops of vanilla, chocolate syrup, 1 marshmallow, and whipped cream, without a cherry. It's exactly like mine. It's what I always get.
Whatever problally a coincidence.
We were having a wonderful time until, the sluts decided to join us. Aka Plastic boobs girls.
"Hey Boys" Kylie chirps
"What do you want" Zac says, trying to eat his ice cream
"You guys of course" Kimberly says, inching closer to Jake
"Get your .... Hands off my boyfriend" Emily fires back. I will be repeating the word she used.
"Excuse me, but we claimed Jake, and he probably doesn't even like you" a girl with straight blonde hair says
"Shut the ... Up Rachel" Jake growls, pulling Emily into his chest.
"But baby, you were suppose to be mine" Rachel whines
"We are not property you ......" Ace yells
"Come on Ace, we all know that you like me, you just don't want to admit it" the other girl beside Kylie says
"No one likes you Hannah so back the .... Off" Andrew barks. His voice filled with venom
"You girls better watch your back, I am talking to you Karrianne, hands off they are ours" Kylie growls in my face, pointing a finger at me.
This needs to stop. They shouldn't go around, claiming 'property' and acting like they run the world.
"Looks like you are upset that you can't get what you want, I guess mommy and daddy just shower you with gifts and never taught you that you can't always get what you want. Well guess what, life is unfair, so too bad so sad" I get right up into their face, making sure to smirk at the end.
They looked shock, like no one has ever talked back to them. Well Ann:1 and sluts:0. I am in the lead, yay.
The guys look like their heads are going to fall off, from laughing so hard.
"Whatever, you better watch your back Karrianne" Hannah says
"And you better be careful not to open you legs to wide, don't want something to accidentally slip in, wait a minute, of course you would want that, you love babies, even though your's won't be that cute" I snap back.
Now I think that the boys wet themselves. The sluts decided to run off, trying to cover their red faces, even though their skirts and shirts don't even cover their bodies. Their skirts are so short, they can be mistaken for underwear.
One thing I know for sure is that Ace and I will never be together.

Hey guys,
If you see ...... In a sentence that means there is suppose to be a bad word there, but I just didn't type it, so it's up to you what you think the word is.


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